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The problems of a hard working builder.

Discussion in 'Builder' started by jaythejayjay, May 30, 2012.

  1. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Something really funny happend just now ^^
    I joined a normal CTF server with multicap where everyone were fighting as knights.
    I went with builder and started doing builder stuff. After I managed to box the enemy, I started working on capping. The enemies were apparantly too ignorant to change class and kept on slashing the stone, like if it was going to break. The match ended with them ragequitting and we winning.

    Wonders of builder.
  2. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Lolwut? If they were boxed in, they should've all changed to builder and dug out...

    Maybe the collective IQ of knights really is that low. I've been in a similar situation, but there were only a few people in the server, so even as builders we couldn't get out with the enemy builder reinforcing the walls, until the enemy already had the flag and was running away. This is clearly a case of go back to the single player tutorial and try again.
  3. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    I'd say it more the problem with the intelligence of most players to be honest (IQ is a skewed test that only measures certain aspects of intelligence, and was developed partially to "prove" intellectual superiority over various non-european peoples) alot of people seem to learn this game at a very very slow pace...
  4. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    It's pretty annoying when I have a plan in mind of how to break into or to block the enemies and knights keep on blocking and jumping through the tiles i want to place stone at. Sometimes knights are too impatient to read the moves of a forward-pushing builder. That pisses me off :eek: . Also when you are placing ladders and knights are slashing for some reason so they delete them and you all fall! D'oh! Or when a door has to be placed and archers keep on blocking you, then an accurate enemy kill us both! And when you've made a small bunker at the bottom of an enemy tower, to collapse its base, and knights are opening your door for unknown reasons and enemies come inside and kill us! Meh!:p
  5. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Why worry about building back at base when you can have more fun jumping on knights and laddering up a hill then watch as all the knights try to get up a hill with 1 block in their way.

    On the knight shield topic, the best climbers of knight shields as a team are the henrys, those guys can get over massive walls and even though there are 16 of them they can get around lips on structures and wht not.
  6. BeenCarl

    BeenCarl Catapult Fodder

    My nightmare as a builder is when a friendly tower that a stupid builder made, was captured and is better defending the other team because of a poor design.
  7. Ratka

    Ratka Shipwright

    Its even worse after you have repeatedly said it would better defend the enemy, yet no one has listened.
    BeenCarl likes this.
  8. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Its even better if it covers your tower shooting LOS and you've spent some time investing resources in hardcore archer nest.
    Cirom likes this.
  9. BeenCarl

    BeenCarl Catapult Fodder

    I don't understand why people don't make tiered heights. Like closer to spawn higher the tower as it gets further away progressively make them shorter.
  10. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Like a stair you mean?
    So the enemy could just jump from building to building :P
  11. BeenCarl

    BeenCarl Catapult Fodder

    Kag Tower.png
    No like towers higher than the next. For example, Closest tower to spawn is 60 blocks high, next tower is 50 blocks high, than 30 than 25, 20 and stops at 20~30. Sorta like the picture.
    Guitarman and Froghead48 like this.
  12. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    That's what I thought :P
    I now realise what a stupid comment I made. I don't know why, but whenever anyone describes something that gradually rises in height, I think of a stair...
  13. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    Now we need a batman head for builders.
    Cirom and Sarmane like this.
  14. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    Stylin,I cant disagree with you more than I currently do now.

    Yes,huge towers that are closer to the front and negate influence of your tower are annoying and sometimes can mean death to your team : but that makes communicating and strategic planning in KAG even more important.Restricting height in artificial way would lead to stereotypical buildings.

    Also,call me a masochist,but I like the challenge of turning terrible structures into a tough nut to crack.
  15. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor


    you dont believe how many people i try to tell to build like that and dont listen.
  16. BeenCarl

    BeenCarl Catapult Fodder

    Not Forcefully make people do that. I meant build it in a common sense sort of way so if there is an archers nest behind you, dont build a massive tower to make the archer's nest worthless mats
  17. Nyxity

    Nyxity Shipwright

    Input from a three-class player:

    My main woe: Knights trying to look all "bad ass" and slashing half of a door down. Sorry, Knights. Not all of us have shields to protect us as we are waving our hammers around. Those who bomb jump placing the bomb right on the fort are dumb asses as well. Yay, ruin our fort in order to look "bad ass" with a bomb jump.

    My second woe: Another builder "fixing" my work. I'm a fortifier. I fortify everything when I'm in builder mode. I hate spike traps, but some builder will always make one, so I'll also try to make it safer for the team I am on while at the same time still as effective on enemies.They don't like what I've done and make it just as deadly for our team as it was before. Meh.

    Builders can be just as annoying for archers, though. An archer finds a perfect spot where the aim is true, steady and almost every shot is hitting a person. Then a builder comes along and builds a wall right in front of him. :huh?:
    At the same time, I went knight for a while and wound up in a hole. I guess the builder didn't see me, or just didn't care. He built stone stairs over me so the other knights could get over a wall. Thanks builder. :huh?:

    All in all, most of the woes of any player is a stupid player on their team.
    Cirom, feet, MINIMAN and 2 others like this.
  18. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    This happened to me the other day, I was on a skybridge with a knight shielding me, getting tons of kills and along comes a little builder sticks a wall right in front of my face and left. Me and the knight were all like wtf? at the builder. Which brings me to a anothertopic.
    Knights: archers appreciate being shielded when they are in a prime spot. I have had a few incidents though where I was a knight and I went to shield an archer, and he kept bouncing around trying to avoid enemy fire like I wasn't even there.:QQ:
    So the moral of the story is;
    Builders, don't put up up walls in front of archers unless it is a door and/or strategic defense.
    Knights; Help out your archer brothren and shield them more if they know what they're doing.
    And finally Archers; Please accept the kind offering of a being sheilded by a knight and stop bouncing around like an idiot25252525
  19. What isn't cool as a builder is when other builders "fix up" other builder's work as Nixity mentioned. When I make team-friendly traps, they give me a :>:(: then proceed to break my trap just cause it "doesn't look safe". *sigh :(
    Guitarman likes this.
  20. Nyxity

    Nyxity Shipwright

    Those who use the scowl emoticon seem to be very stubborn too. If I ever try to come back to rebuild my original plan, they are like "No you idiot! Noob! (Blah, blah, blah...)" I don't have the time or patience to explain myself when they are so adamant that I'm stupid so I just go onwards.