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The State Of Current Generation Gaming; Where Did We Go Wrong?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by thebonesauce, Nov 13, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    But, but, most people who play video games are still in their 20's and younger. I'm pretty sure games still get aimed at them, right?
  2. Filystyn

    Filystyn Bison Rider

    I'm not sure do i understand the topic because i did not read it but.

    Games are now shit because people are becoming bigger shit. Thats one. But thats easy one so lets go furthere.

    Why is everything becoming bigger shit? It happens allmost allways when it becomes more popular. Easy. The more people watch it. to earn on them the cheapest way is to check what worst shit they can still tolerate.

    Untile there are only few people who ..eci..e what will something look like. If it's masterpice for them, art - it might be goo..
    But the technology makes things har..er to ..o alone. So you nee.. more people. The more people the bigger shit. More money. So someone who gives money he ..ont give a crap the game will be best ever. He only wants to earn more money.

    Last one thing. There is huge power of advertisment. And huge power of what is "acceptable"

    I won't start a war here so i will not say it stright. In this world for example. There is number that if you will ask if it's true you will be cursed hated and messed with shit. That number is 6 milions. Funny thing, 6, human number.

    Well time for me to go sleep ;)
    Filystyn sometimes says what he realy thinks. ;>
  3. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    ill try to make it sound better :3
    hope that is easier to read :B):
  4. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Toast, that didn't help much at all. For all the grammatical errors you removed, you added twice as many, and didn't improve the structure one jot. You basically just rearranged and corrected a fractional amount of the words.

  5. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    D: I tried..
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. copper40

    copper40 Casual Misogynist

    This is why I miss the old days of the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis.
  7. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    I really think it's a "when I was a kid" issue, and now that most of us are older, we look at things a lot more critically. Do you honestly think that the SNES or Megadrive was free of copy-cat games? No, not at all, in fact, I would argue that they were worse then today. The amount of Mario, Sonic, and Megaman clones is truly staggering. And don't even get me STARTED on fighting games.

    On the issue of "realistic" games taking a rise, it's just an add-on, not a take-over. The consoles in the SNES era simply didn't have the technology for "realistic" games, it was just too primitive. Now, with our more modern consoles and computers, we have a niche of "realistic", real-world based games, which, since it's so young and new, has taken a sort of "fad" form. But there are still plenty of fantastical games out there, more so then when the video game industry was young.

    The DLC argument is complete bullshit, in my opinion. It has very little effect on the production of games, except in rare occasions of day-1 DLC. It really isn't related to the quality of the game.

    Just like the movie industry, and just like the music industry, it's not that the current generation of games are "bad" or "unoriginal", or sell-outs, it's just now that it's easily for games to be unoriginal, because of how broad the industry has grown.

    We still get Braid, Dear Ester, World of Goo, Bastion, Starfarer, Binding of Isaac, Lone Survivor, Atom Zombie Smasher, Darwinia, Awesomenauts and much, much more. We didn't lose the fresh, new, interesting games, we just added on games like the Call of Duty franchise.
    Noburu and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    My 9yo brother prefers SNES and NES to Wii.

    Objectively better.

    Refute me harder scrub
    thebonesauce likes this.
  9. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Likewise. Over the last 10 or so years I have played mostly NES/SNES/Genesis games with my younger sister, now she's almost 16 and loves Super Mario World 1 & 2 and Super Metroid.

    I'm like a proud dad. :QQ:

    I think this argument is bullshit. You mean to tell me that a game with DLC that allows other players to be stronger/faster/etc than others isn't crap? Pay To Win games are horseshit; it's something that has taken over platforms like mobile gaming and even some console gaming... There are games where you can pay $5 to get the UltraMegaGun with a super long range scope that allows you to 1 hit KO people no matter how far they are... How is that fair to other players?

    That is another huge issue with some games nowadays... Microtransactions to buy stupid shit like hats, clothing, different colored weapons, etc. are becoming epidemic, and sometimes developers are focusing MORE on DLC than the game itself. That is a problem.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and BlueLuigi like this.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The problem with the argument is that he says in rare situations of Day1 DLC, but 99% of games that are commercial have Day1 or in most cases Day0 DLC.

    Anyone else feel like it's bullshit that before you would pay for extra difficulty in a game if anything by cheatcodes, I call it 'paying' but I feel it's easier than saying "When you want to go deeper into the game this is what you do" , but these days it's like haha want more? Just pay for DOPE ASS 1HKO GUNZ LMAO GAEM SO eZ.

    It's like they WANT you to be done with their game and move on to the next one as fast as possible, fuck.

    Yea it's a great feeling when they play those games ;_: bone, my mom and him play Wario's Woods all the time haha, waiting for it to come out on Wii U, I saw it on Wii already I believe but it's a bit of a gimped version.

    The real sad part is the indie games that reach truly high success are the 'ezpz' ones like Minecraft, the ones that are hard (La Mulana, Spelunky to a degree, Cave Story's multiple endings) only reach decent numbers and that's considered about the highest they'll go. Cave Story probably being the only one to reach truly decent numbers and still failing in comparison to Minecraft/Terraria.

    Dem video games man.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and thebonesauce like this.
  11. Andr01d

    Andr01d Haxor

    The fact of the matter is that there were more kids in the 90's. Whether you think this affected the development and marketing of things geared towards children, or if videogames are geared towards children at all, is apparently up for debate.
  12. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    Free2play games where you can "buy power" didn't exist with the goddamn SNES, and it hasn't impacted the market really at all, considering how small the the free2pay market is. Also, that's not DLC, that's microtransactions, which is very much different, in my opinion (okay, technically it's the same thing, but you all know what I mean). Seriously, how many games do you play that have DLC with huge advantages in multiplayer? Really, give me a fucking list. Those don't actually exist in high numbers. DLC is RARELY that, it's usually just extra content, and for the most part I'm okay with that (although I rarely buy them).

    "99% of commercial games have Day1 DLC". First of all, that's exaggerating, and second of all, so what? I hate it when people go "BUT THE AAA GAMES ARE EVIL!". So fucking what? Yeah, 99% of 2% of the video game market have day 1 DLC, holy shit, the market is dying. For every AAA game with day 1 DLC you name, I can name a dozen other games with no DLC or very little DLC (not day 1). I still have that old Wii, and no DLC there.

    Also, how are cosmetic microtransactions bad? I really have to ask on this case, why do you give a shit? They're cosmetic, harmless. Why should you care? You don't like them, good for you. Go back to not-buying them and stop shitting on people who like costumes. I never buy any cosmetic item because I don't want to spend the money on something I see as pointless, but I don't think it's any harm to anyone, certainly not a huge problem. I SINCERELY doubt any developer making a decent game is more focused on DLC then the game itself, and there are very, very little developers who actually are.
  13. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    2% of the video game market?

    Learn what the 'market' is, most of the money is made in these commercial games, they are well over 50% of the 'video game market', and DLC is even worse (IAP) on mobile games, which increase that number easily to 80%.
Mods: BlueLuigi