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The Thieves Guild

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by CaptainKyle, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. imaninya

    imaninya Catapult Fodder

    so am i in? ill follow the rules but am i in?
  2. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    yes you are
  3. Yeah, I think Spidey was just saying how if you're stealing gold on ctf and stuff like that, there still is a good reason to ban.
  4. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    but the point is that i have done this so many times on so many different servers both on classic and beta
    but admins dont ban me
  5. It depends on the personality of the admin, whether or not he thinks its okay. Piano, for instance, likes a more serious game, and doesn't like it when people troll and fool around.
  6. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    How am i crying?? Did i say i was crying?? Its a joke man WAKE up -_-.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 12, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 12, 2014 ---
    I bealive with icemusher.. Some admins will find it okay.. But what about the moderator?? They might not like it.. And also some admins might also be afk.. But for piano.. Yes he wants a big sirios game.. I bealive you icemusher.. Please dont insalt my speling :P
  7. There's a definition of trolling and griefing. I hope you get cancer hard.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 12, 2014 ---
    Now shut up and get loss mate.
  8. Who were you referring to about the cancer part? Because that's one hell of a thing to say.
  9. Im talking to Spidey. The rude bastard.
  10. That's still one hell of a thing to say. Also, Spidey did sort of apologize, so there can't have been anything to provoke an insult like that.
  11. Well he should have a public apologize, no one told me. Not sort of apologize, he deserve it for being rude.
    Yes its a hell of a thing to say, but theres a purpose that makes me say so. No one likes tosay such things either.
  12. Have you seen anybody here on the forums make a "public" apology? Also, nobody deserves cancer. I've always had you on my good side cookies, but that comment really got under my skin.
  13. Have you seen anybody on this topic went suddenly rude? Also, nobody deserve a mean reply. I've always had you on my good side Ice, but spidey comment really got under my skin.

    Mirror to mirror.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  14. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    -__-. Now come on man.. No ones perfect, Its not like were gonna have peace with people all the time..
  15. and it's not like were gonna have war with people all the time.
  16. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    well you are welcome to read again my sentences to find any insult. I didnt insult anyone. I just asked as an admin a legitimate about that kind of behaviour.
    I wasnt a rude bastard like you said i guess. Here its an insult.
    Moreover, i guess there is a huge difference between a spidey meme and hoping someone get the cancer. We all lost people recently due to thar terrible disease and you shouldnt say thing like that.
    You were flaming again when i wished good luck to your clan...
    end of story. If you have others concerns, please send me a pm.
  17. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

  18. You seriously have no idea what flaming were suppose to be. I aint flaming you, i reply you rudely due to your behavior.
    Your giving me an itch.

    Like i said, you cant call us griefer.

    Heres the quote i already said:
    You think this statement is rude?

    This isn't what we usually do in CTF. We mostly do this in RP.

    You didn't insult anyone, but the way you said is just harassing. I'm sorry if I'm being a dick to you (like calling you a rude bastard), but im not in reality. You shouldn't post that picture anyway, that meme is just... stupid.

    I dont have any concerns, thanks.

    Good question: no
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  19. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Yes.. Spidy, Do you even know what the word greif means?? It dosn't mean by stealing gold stone bombs wood arrows or any kind of thing, IT MEANS THAT YOU COLAPS A BUILDING OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! BUT if it was your building and you colapsed it, Then its not greifing... Spidy, Come on mate, You really need to learn meanings before you comment. And posting that picture is just being rude, Come on.. This is like you being a 5 year old.. Spidy, Wake up mate.. You dont post a picture of CANCER.. For this i saw that picture before..
  20. Ice should realize this too. Nobody is right and wrong in this conversation. Only the one who started this argument was the one to be responsible. If you still get under your nerves, maybe you should read what i replied to you Ice. I took my wisdom and the logic i knew as the evidence. End of argument.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 12, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 12, 2014 ---
    If you disagree with me and consider me a dick. Go on the other side, you can turn your back to me and Kyle, and with your brothers and sisters, i wont judge.
    If you believe I was talking sense for the reputation of our guild, fight for our brotherhood, and the clan. To keep the Thieves tradition alive, for a gold stealing purpose.

    Even if this is a small argument. I care for Thieves reputation. As a part of me.


    And spidey, i understand you. Your were just trying to help. But you are just getting me under my nerves sometimes, because of your ridiculous reply. We are cool all this time.

    Something i had mentioned on the forum too. Go look, I'm quitting the game for a while, which means ill be resigning the guild.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014