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The Thieves Guild

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by CaptainKyle, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Chill, also to response to levi, look at the rules.
  2. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Young man, A boy would say a good speach as you.. I consider that this makes sence.. So i am on your side epic :)
  3. Wise word my friend, wise actions....
  4. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    robbing gold in CTF its a bit strange, we usually play RPs servers when we want to play as a thief.
  5. Okay, let me get this straight. Personally, I like the idea of stealing gold, it makes the roleplay more creative. However, you have to take in the consideration that most people don't like getting killed, having their gold stolen, then being unable to retrieve it.
  6. Considering they are from the other team. You deserve getting ban at the first place by killing Piano on your team Ice. If you still don't understand what I'm trying to say or think I'm wrong, refer to what i explained you. Maybe that should be clearer for you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 13, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 13, 2014 ---
    I said this earlier.
    For god sakes. End this ridiculous argument Ice.
  7. I was kidding about that part. Also the first half of my statement was directed towards roleplay."No Rk" is part of the rules. Also, I would really like to end this.

    EDIT:Never mind, just read your post.
  8. I posted this rules earlier in the forum as well, is you consider our clan as a ''RK'' clan. I said ''- Before stealing gold, you have to declare the opponent what you want. ''
  9. CaptainKyle

    CaptainKyle Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    Let me explain something now
    A thief is one with the shadows he does not care who he fights he only cares about how much he makes how much of a risk he is taking and what consequences he might face later on
    On ctf tho it is less likely to happen people steal gold whether on your own team or on the enemy team the main thing when stealing gold is not to be caught
    so whether the admin bans you or not its up to the thief not to be caught

    And the point of how people dont like being killed and getting their gold taken from them that they then cannot retrieve
    there are 3 personal sayings i have ''Do not kill without reason or purpose,Do not act without a plan or tactic,Only be seen when the mask of innocence befalls your face.''
    Tho i sometimes struggle with these sayings they are what i follow and they have served me well.

    Also epic tho i respect that you defended the thieves way you must remember we keep to the shadows what others think is for them to ponder and wonder we are only concerned with the depths of their pockets and the guards that watch over those pockets

    But i am proud of your loyalty to the thieves way as i am also proud of how logical ice thinks, I am glad that i know you both

    Now enough with the trade of words let us trade coin and tales of struggles and victories we faced whilst stealing from the numerous players and etc!

    *Raises mug of beer which has 3 shining gold coins in it*
    For we shall not live forever but we shall not die today!
    Hoorah for the thieves guild!

    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 13, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 13, 2014 ---
    I sound like one of those nordic veterans in a bloody tavern/bar o.O
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 13, 2014 ---
    fucking hell o.O
  10. Wisdom wins. :)
  11. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Arrows win. get with the times.
  12. I have no idea what your trying to say.
  13. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Arrows win (arrows are the best) Get with the times (Get up to date)
  14. Meaning...?
    ofc i know the words.
  15. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    ......... :spam::migrant::skull:!!!:gold_mat:!!!:eek::gold_mat::gold_mat::gold_mat::gold_mat::gold_mat::gold_mat::eek::gold_mat::gold_mat::gold_mat::ehh::gold_mat::gold_mat::gold_mat::oops:25252525
  16. I see.

    Yo are saying, shooting an arrow with the exact timing is very important. :smug:

    But how do you shoot it :) :rektlord:

    Wisdom. :thumbs_up:
  17. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Okay.. Ill start making my plan, First ill find out a trap.. Bison??:bison: Arrows??:spam:Spikes??:spikes_bg: Bombs??:b_shop: Troll??25252525 Chest??:chest: Act sad??::(: Tell people what to do??:up: Doors??:door: Sword??:sword: !!!!!! I KNOW!!! Blocks :D:castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall::castle_wall: LOSTS OF THEM!!! :D :castle::castle::castle::castle::castle::castle::castle::castle::h_rock::h_rock::h_rock::h_rock::bedrock::bedrock::bedrock::bedrock::h_rock::gold_b::gold_b::gold_b::gold_b::gold_b::castle_wall::dirt::dirt::dirt_bg::stone::castle_wall::door::gold_b::tree:.. Nope.. Just put bombs in there then a knight will come in and then you trap him inside and he drinks postion, He drops GOLD!!! :D:gold_mat:
  18. Fuck logic approved :smug:
  19. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

  20. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 14, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 14, 2014 ---
    now i noticed that my comment (the question about innocence) is in your "quote"