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The Thieves Guild

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by CaptainKyle, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. We'll bang ok?
  2. I saw that recently on 9Gag
  3. That's where I got it from. 9Gag entertains me quite a lot.
  4. I watch 9gag all the time.
  5. Some of the memes or gifs are just too hilarious.
  7. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    Is it okay if i can post that as a thrid video?? :3
  8. 3L3M3N7_42

    3L3M3N7_42 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    "I stole a hefty bag of gold from the Russian bullion deal."
    Any experience required to join this clan?
    I've got loads of dat
  9. Don't ask me levi9, it's a gif from 9Gag, though I'm sure it's okay.
  10. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    k i'll record it then
  11. 3L3M3N7_42

    3L3M3N7_42 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Am I in?
    Or what?
    Is this like a virtual blood pact or something, or a is there a gauntlet I have to complete?
    Somebody give a me pointer or something??
  12. You must go to the nearest market, and buy 5 live chicken and 1 geese. Run along the road, plucking the feathers out of the chicken until all 5 chicken are naked. Take their bodies and cook them. Feed the meat to the geese, then find all the feathers you have plucked from the chickens. Dip them in a Pomeranian's blood. Drop all the feathers into a box, put the geese in, and send it to Kim Jong-un as an olive branch of peace.

    Thank me later.
  13. Ignore him 3L3M3N7. Ice is just playing with you. If you want to join the clan. You must prove me how skillful you are rather than just words. Steal at least 500 golds and prove me by the screen shot. Not only that, i need to see how trust worthy you are. We will meet face to face someday.
  14. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    does that mean i'm not part of the clan o.o
  15. Idk, who recruited you? I remember you are a part.
  16. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    yeh me guess i am a part of theives :P
  17. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Are you able to play some competitive matches ? @levi9
  18. 3L3M3N7_42

    3L3M3N7_42 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I know, lol,
    Mkay, brb
  19. levi9

    levi9 Bison Rider

    I can only play Soloe on either classic or beta Kag.