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Things you may not know about Archer

Discussion in 'Archer' started by HA1TER, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. cykalu

    cykalu Shopkeep Stealer

    • Right-click to cancel charge after it passes the yellow peak for more frequent and consistent accuracy/stun-shots.
    Long description: Instead of waiting for opportunities to shoot and 'over-charging', the point after it reaches the yellow peak and starts to 'decharge', right click your mouse to cancel your current charge and begin recharging at the beginning, rather than wasting time decharging and recharging to the peak, which often contributes to overestimating the arrow's trajectory.​
    • Always be on the move in close combat.
    • While running backwards from knights in melee range, depending how close you are to them, the use of sudden prones can catch knights off, allowing you to run the other way, as they almost always assume you're just going to be running backwards the whole way.
    • Sometimes, it is better to charge for your stun shots while in close combat, rather than spamming 1/2 damage arrows, especially when they're full health. A decision you have to make and practice in making.
    • Attempt to engage enemies as soon as you see them [fully zoomed out], to slow their advances, buying time for your allies to reach them. Also a method for practising long range shots.
    Acavado likes this.