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Things you may not know about Knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Auri, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Auri

    Auri Tunnel Addict Donator Tester

    Just going to post a few things it seems some players don't know about Knight.
    1. A lot of times your builders are not stupid. They need the resources you're picking up on the front lines to effectively build things for your team. You can take moments out of smacking the enemy's wall to travel back to your nearest outpost and gift the smartest-looking builder with your materials.
    2. You don't have to be on the front lines. Sometimes you may save your team some serious grief by guarding a weak spot in your team's defenses personally. You can also protect a lone archer by shielding in front of him, effectively making him invincible. It won't boost your kill-to-death ratio, but it will assist the team.
    3. You work better in teams. It's not always wise to charge immediately after you come back into the game. Consider waiting for another knight and sticking with him when you charge the enemy, especially when you're in a heavy-traffic area. The combined effect of two charged sword slashes will break shield-defenses then immediately kill the enemy as well.
    4. Take the leap of faith. Ok, so you have a skybridge and it seems to actually be past the effective front lines of combat, but it's way too high to jump off safely. Wait for enemy traffic below, then try to jump on them. They'll take all the fall damage instead of you.
    Feel free to add things!
    Mihu, skellheart15, hans_02 and 7 others like this.
  2. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    5.If you are stuck in tunnel and cant climb up,and if you are lucky to have a bomb whit you,ignite it,drop it on the floor and use your shield just over it,pointing down.You will be catapulted in air for at least 6-7 blocks.
    6.Always try to be above the enemy,as it is easier to place a hit from above and knights weight will help a lot whit making damage,it will even kill enemy.
  3. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    7. If there is a big tower/thing you cant just dig under, escort a builder or two to help you out!
  4. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    8. You don't have to tunnel as a knight to break a building. If the building is a dozen or more blocks thick, then why not just create a stone ladder? Hit blocks making sure there is one space of normal stone left between them each time and slowly make your way up to the top of the building. The bonus of this is that sometimes you can take the building for your own rather than ruin it.

    9. A shield push will break a charged attack, so be careful of knights that rush straight at you when you're charging. Also utilise this to your advantage.
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    10. (addition to Neat's 9) Don't charge next to other knight, because he can jab you, which makes you to stun and he can make second and sometimes even third jab to you, leading to your death.

    11. If there are multiple knights throwing bombs to your wall, try to throw them back. This can lead to all the enemy knights being gibbed by their own bombs, and save of your wall.
  6. laurentiu

    laurentiu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    12. If you are in a tunnel and encounter an enemy knight or other class, throw a bomb and try throw it behind the enemy, he will be forced to shield towards it and you can stab him.

    13. Always try to organize and go, in what I like to call, attack waves! Make sure you never go alone, go with one or more allies.
  7. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    14. You can throw bombs back with E :P

    15. Shields don't protect your team from explosions, only you. Throw back bombs when possible, as it will effectively turn it into a friendly grenade. Just don't forget to re-shield after.
  8. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    16. Not a lot of people do it, but allies can use your shield as a ladder. After your other knight bros help you up, return the favor!
  9. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    17. If you are stuck in deep down in a tunnel: It's often faster to suicide and start over than trying to dig up.

    18. Don't charge your attack to destroy blocks. Just hammer your leftmousebutton, it's much faster.
  10. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    19. Bombs set other bombs off. Under the correct circumstances, a chain reaction could be set off in order to kill the enemy.

    (Also, I'd like to say that this is awesome and deserves a sticky. I love seeing the community contribute and place their collective intelligence into things like this :d)
    Digger101 and acridstone like this.
  11. glowfisch

    glowfisch Shipwright

    20. walking with your shield is slow -> you can move faster by jumping and shielding in mid air (gread for catshing those nasty archers :P)
  12. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    21. Hold your shield upwards to defend from falling bedrock chunks, or enemies.

    22. Know when to fall back. If you see four knights coming for you, get back over your wall and wait for help.

    23. You can perform a double charged swipe by hitting directly after a charged swipe.

    24. Practice using the double charged swipe. Know how far you can reach with this attack. It is beneficial during a match to know how far you can attack.

    25. Use catapults around the map to get around or over walls quickly.

    26. Help out a teammate if he is being attacked, never assume he/she can get the kill.

    27. Never let an enemy pass you if no one is behind you to make the kill. They may become a large threat to your defenses.

    28. Only use bombs near your defenses if the situation demands it, and you are skilled in the knight class.

    29. When landing on an enemy, shield down to prevent them from doing counter damage from below.

    30. Use bombs to quickly take out unreachable catapults. Two bombs can destroy a catapult.

    31. Don't be afraid to destroy an enemy outpost. Not all outposts need to be captured. Two bombs can destroy them.
  13. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    "Never let an enemy pass you"

    I disagree. The majority of the time when you let an enemy pass you they are killed by another knight or archer. I have only been in a few occasions where they have done some real damage. Sometimes it's best to ignore whats going on in the pit and make it your goal to get really far. If I pass enough enemies I become a real threat to the enemy team who are pushed back and distracted by me. Sometimes I become a one man army, keeping them distracted for minutes, allowing my team to butcher the ones I missed and move up with me.

    "Never use bombs near your defenses, even if the situation ends with you getting kills"

    I'd tell someone whos a complete noob with bombs that, sure, but if you practice with bombs, 90% of the time you can use them to the point where you're never damaging your buildings and actually taking out a lot of attacking enemies. I've had quad and triple kills with bombs, finishing off the assaulters quickly before they collapse the whole thing.
  14. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    Dwat, some of those are very general, not specifically for Knights. The catapult one in particular :p But I agree with the last one. Never thought about that, actually.
  15. luizbr

    luizbr Shopkeep Stealer

    "Never use bombs near your defenses, even if the situation ends with you getting kills"
    i agree with neat
    and if you dont use your bombs and you die
    the enemy will end up with your bombs
  16. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Alright, alright. I'll reword my post just a little bit.
  17. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    32. You can slash 5-6 times, although its insane to do that, but if you do that on versus 3-4 knights, you have 80% to win :)

    "30. Use bombs to quickly take out unreachable catapults. Two bombs can destroy a catapult." - Only one need, and it can destroy up to 4 catapults at once(yes, i had seen jerk who placed 4 catapults in one place instead on tactical place >.>)
  18. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    33. Never just simply jump down without looking down from a skybridge, it's always useful to try and determine a group of enemies and try and judge when they'll take the hit. (Especially if you're a knight ofc)
  19. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    34. (Disproves 18) Charging a double slash to dig is faster than mashing left click. The initial click to charge is one hit, the slash will be charged in the same time it takes for a second hit, and you can immediately stack a third hit due to the double slash. This also allows you to hit enemies through corners ;3

    35. Being flung into a wall hurts, and you still take fall damage when you land. Make sure you plan out catapult player launches, and try to let someone you know is good be in charge of the catapult.
    Acavado likes this.
  20. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    36. You CAN shield against people landing on your head, but not from extreme heights. If they jump on you off a really high mountain, you're going to take damage whether you shield or not, so dodge rather than shield.
    dwatring likes this.