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Unpopular opinions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mcrifel, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    I feel exactly like you. Dewheeling is almost like a must now; before catas and ballistas were highly contested, able to be turned around, and now just dewheel and rip.
    Also let's archer do stuff :3
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 25, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 25, 2017 ---
    104 players rn
    even roleplay is populated what the hell
    Blue_Tiger and Biurza like this.
  2. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    - Trapblocks are quite useful (if you don't spam like madman)
    - most of builders are not creative (everything must be stone, everything must looks like squares and rectangles, but I don't say its bad just boring)
    - archers in tmd are fine, but some maps give them too big advantage (and some knight's cloud be more cunning)
    - mines are useful weapon in tmd, or ctf (no one forces you to step on it)
    - 1 vs 1 is not challenging at all (well if opponent can impress with his skills and tactics, then it can be)
    - fighting alone against many opponents isn't unfair (it gives you opportunity to prove that you are real threat and show yourself you can be better )
    - best knight's don't exist (of course they reach a peak, but they can fall or be push off by someone)
    well, if you can call it opinions
  3. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    - Quite true. Especially if you create bait traps (all stone, trap blocks on top) and fill it in with stone. (I shouldn't be revealing this :3)
    - Even more true. What happened to early beta cancer towers? War structures that are like 15 blocks thick just in the front?
    - Bruh TDM, and look at all the unskilled archers. Feel ok >.>
    - Um... Ok? Does challenging mean anything? As long as you have fun or improve it's the purpose.
    - That's true for sure.
    - Look at me and ECBicalho :D
    - "Best" is an opinion, not something real. They don't have crowns or anything, just widely recognized by the public. Half of them don't even come to the forums >.>
  4. Eluded

    Eluded Haxor Official Server Admin

    I love 1v1, it's my favourite way to fight. But you're right, there aren't many knights left who can impress with their skills and tactics.
  5. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Double Slashing should go back to being only if you hit the person.
    Shield bash glitch in classic should go into Release
    Spikes shouldnt be team friendly
    Old trap bridges in classic are better than Relase
    The old roleplay in classic was the best.
    Quaters should be like classic and be free

    In general
    Classic is better than Release.
    A_Jax likes this.
  6. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    - nu
    - upvoted
    - hmm; true. I like to bait and trap them with stone tho.
    - oh boi. My 3000 hours used just on that one server. Good times <3
    - "quaters"

    - I like the flow of Beta. RIP roleplay tho
    an_obamanation likes this.
  7. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    - Bomb range should be increased a tiny bit
    - Less trees in TDM (Honestly would want none, archers that hide at the top of them take such a long time to kill.)
    - Remove archers from tdm, put builders that can only place spikes instead, because that at least has a comedic element to it and would require some semblance of skill.
    - TDM is best gamemode
    - Lag adds an element of fun to the game

    - Can't tell if this one would be unpopular but make water arrow price the same as waterbomb price and have it so that you can only carry 1 water arrow per inventory slot. Seems harsh but with enough coins on TDM an archer can just buy one pack of water arrows and some fire arrows and you're essentially screwed. CTF is worse where people can just grind up coins, build an archer platform, put an archer shop next to it, and then fire away an endless assault of water arrows. Not fun times.
    jimmyzoudcba, SirDangalang and Biurza like this.
  8. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    When you think on it maybe.
    But i'm more than sure, when you or someone against you lags so hard you can't kill him, you'll be like "OMFG, FOK DIS GAME, DAMN PING"
    an_obamanation and SirDangalang like this.
  9. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    Sponges should stack
    *mic drop
  10. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    I think i just contracted autism

    My list
    -People with under 5 hours in kag shouldnt be allowed access to builder class
    -People should be allowed to "vote to skip" buildtime(because fuck being forced to wait 180 seconds)
    -Archer's 5-6 block stun range with arrows is utter bullshit(and breaks tdm)
    -Water should put out kegs(would be l33t trust me)
    -Tunnels should be weaker for builder's pickaxe
    -Testers should be renamed, on the forum, to inactive plebs
    -Galen isnt a "Wonderful Princess"
  11. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    Couldn't say better^. Fok archez.
  12. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    I disagree, if I ever move to nu-beta, I want archer as it is now.
  13. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    I'd like archer in Beta to be like in classic.
  14. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    KAG is told to be dead by some ppl for few years now. Bullshit.
  15. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    TBH I wouldn't mind either. But then I'd want knights to stop being ninjas and spidermen too.
    Biurza and A_Jax like this.
  16. A_Jax

    A_Jax Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    -fuck the shotgun gimme back my legolas shot but without the spam of special arrows :3 ( like 1 bomb arrows / water / fire and then 2 normal )
    -less trees on tdm wouldn't be a bad idea but don't remove all of those :3
    -Rip classic rp :'c was so great
    -play with lags is fun when the ping is stable; like a perma 600 or 700 :3 but if it's unstable then it's not funny
    -play the three class is da best c:
    -modded servers looks awesome .. if you don't play on a toaster :D
    BarsukEughen555, Biurza and Elf like this.
  17. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    Applies to 90% of all games
    an_obamanation and A_Jax like this.
  18. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    That's because you're used to slow Classic KAG. Beta is a little faster.
    BarsukEughen555 likes this.
  19. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    Unpopular opinions ? more like suggestions :rektlord:
  20. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
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    *Unpopular suggestions