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Update on the THD.VG story + Patch estimates for KAG

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DevBlogger, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. UltraMarine_Val

    UltraMarine_Val Bison Rider
    1. FUN Servers

    What is going to be important on the maps ? The blocks ? The possibility of a safety cover ? The alternative Tunnel / Building ?
  2. Shadowor

    Shadowor Shark Slayer

    This game looks like Superfighters Deluxe which is pretty awesome! I like these type of games.
    Inferdy likes this.
  3. Wow, just wow. I would definitely buy at $5 range. Looks great.
  4. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    airstrike HYPE
    Noburu, Ej and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Re: what's important on the maps - visual and physical cover. With fog of war you can't see people around corners, and you generally can't shoot people that are behind boxes and the like.
    Having some cover over your head from things like caves can help avoid stray grenades but tossing grenades offscreen for random lotto kills should be a good way to run out of ammo, haha.

    Airstrikes may or may not be a thing, too early to say :^)
    Joiken likes this.
  6. Hmm, so it's kind of like a Strike Force Heroes Game without the different guns and abilities?
  7. Andr01d

    Andr01d Haxor

    This looks so awesome!!!
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Gonna be honest here, I have no idea what those games are :^)

    There's 5 classes currently, which each have their own abilities. Only 2 of the classes have guns at the moment, and one of the classes has no offensive ability at all. I hope that helps with your question.
  9. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Really interesting...
    I'd rather wait for it to be released, but man i got so many questions about it.
  10. TheWids

    TheWids Haxor

    Game looks super sweet when can i get in on it?
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Gonna be "that guy" and say "When it's done", sorry :^)
    Joiken, Noburu and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  12. At least you're not that guy that gives due dates and then keeps pushing them back
    Sir_Walter, jackitch, Noburu and 3 others like this.
  13. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Can you build stuff? Or dig stuff?
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    No dynamic terrain
  15. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    More importantly is it fun?
  16. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Eh, dynamic terrain would suck here given the class design.
  18. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    ^ What Monsteri said - the current class design has a good spread of roles and 2 of the classes can provide cover for team mates, so building and destroying tiles isn't needed; there's "building" with sandbags as engineer but since you don't collide with the sandbags I wouldn't really draw parallels with the KAG builder.

    Update on progress here - not much; MM is away, I'm focussed on KAG for the moment, Lucas has a fried laptop and is waiting on Lenovo for a replacement. The ideas have had some time to mature but not much concrete progress has been made, so no new gifs, sorry.
    TheWids likes this.
  19. BillyWeedman

    BillyWeedman Haxor

    Are there emotes in this new game? :rollseyes:
  20. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    2 5 2 5 middle finger
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Yagger like this.