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US West server

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ShnitzelKiller, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. CowboyDan

    CowboyDan Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Maybe get rid of one of the us wests and make a us east mini ctf.
    Tern likes this.
  2. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    East US server online, not sure if I'll keep it. Depends on how well it's gonna perform.
    Tern likes this.
  3. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    I didn't get why everyone was on the west server with 233 ping or so and not switching to a east/europe server... Sometimes europeans are retarded.
  4. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    People join where there are more people.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Jul 12, 2015 ---
    Yeah. server is gone, as I thought. That's why I hate VPS's.
    [17:07:25] -1
    [17:07:25] <GAY uPo>PuPn�1> ok
    [17:07:25] [sangfroid] : xD
    [17:07:25] -1
    [17:07:25] <sangfroid> xD
    [17:07:27] [DatNob] : lol
    [17:07:27] -1
    [17:07:27] <-.. .- - -. --- -...> lol
    [17:07:34] [IguanaMan] : works
    [17:07:34] -1
    [17:07:34] <GAY uPo>PuPn�1> works
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 3
    LAG 3
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    [17:08:06] [sangfroid] : yeah
    [17:08:06] -1
    [17:08:06] <sangfroid> yeah
    [17:08:12] [sangfroid] : if you go on the side it won't hit
    [17:08:12] -1
    [17:08:12] <sangfroid> if you go on the side it won't hit
    [17:08:33] Loading script Entities/Industry/CTFShops/Quarters/WakeOnHit.as
    [17:08:54] DatNob stomped IguanaMan
    [17:08:56] [DatNob] : oops
    [17:08:56] -1
    [17:08:56] <-.. .- - -. --- -...> oops
    LAG 2
    LAG 3
    LAG 3
    LAG 3
    LAG 3
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    LAG 2
    PUNK123 and Darknighte9 like this.