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Useful Structures - a community effort.

Discussion in 'Builder' started by Swaggernuts, Jul 21, 2011.

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  1. KorJax

    KorJax Guest

    That tower design is brilliant. Your post was pretty hard to follow but I love the idea of putting spikes up in a manner on top that discourages ladder and archer climbing to get over it.
  2. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Thx and sry,made it pretty fast :S Admins can change it if they have time to make it more readable.
  3. Vania

    Vania Guest

    The pits serve a very important function, they allow archers to shoot at knights or builders destroying the wall, let me explain: If there are no pits enemies can dig a hole in your wall and be safe from arrows, and then the only way to stop them is to jump out of the tower (and out of safety) onto the ground.

    The doorway is cheap in my opinion. I think it's cheap because you only need wood, which you get for free at the outpost.This means you can repair the wall without having to look for stone. The doors allow a builder to fully repair the tower without going outside.
    Imagine there were no doors and just stone:
    If the enemy starts making a hole in the wall the only way to fix it is by going outside and probably getting killed and losing your materials.
  4. KorJax

    KorJax Guest

    I guess that's true - especially since opened doors (damaged or not) will die in one hit and still give back full wood resources. So you could quickly take out the door block and replace it with a fully healed one.
  5. iNub

    iNub Guest

    +1 many thanks. very useful indeed
  6. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Guest

    @HA1TER - I really dislike the exploitation of that skybridge glitch, it's just completely unfair, and block physics were implemented to totally stop that kind of thing.
  7. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I call it "Sani Sani's Super Excuse-me-I'm-too-busy-flexing-to-care Tower of Power"


    It's actually quite a simple trap that uses few resources
  8. J4son

    J4son Guest

    ^ This isn't really much of a structure imo but I'll accept it as such because of the absolutely amazing diagram.
  9. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    See, it's supposed to look weak and unintimidating because otherwise people would assume that charging it is a bad idea and the trap doesn't work.
  10. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    Where is the problem?Game changes every couple of days and i think that devs will see it and fix it...
    It is in game and it works,right?
    When they fix it,you can add support blocks under it and it will be a bridge again...Only shorter.
    Block physics are just the basic ones.This is not physics game(yet?).I would be really happy if they implement
    collision and if the blocks don`t fall apart and vanish from the ground.
  11. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    they fall apart, you can collect some of the pieces =P The rest turns to dust and flies away
  12. JTG

    JTG Guest

  13. JTG

    JTG Guest

  14. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    You know there are kids here,right?
    It is amazing how people have time for this kind of things,but they fail when they need to win...
  15. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    HA1TER, JTG is a kid by himself..
  16. Gumball135

    Gumball135 Guest

    Your diagrams are priceless, Sani.
  17. KorJax

    KorJax Guest

    I don't think Hater's bridge design is as bad as skybridging. It costs many more reosurces to build and requires quite a bit of time to set up. Plus, the whole bridge dies if that single support is removed.

    It's kind of brilliant actually - the build is similar in complexity to many real-world bridge designs to provide structrual support.
  18. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    Sani. I love the diagram.
  19. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester


    It's very cheap archer tower, which you can build very fast for your team while rushing for their flag.
    It stops the enemies just walking to your side, however archers can easily get past it.
    The bottom tiles are not necessary, if you build the tower on bedrock.

    -65 stone
    -135 wood

    Place on a small hill for maximum efficiency.
  20. miaow

    miaow Guest

    JTG has the skills :D
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