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Video [Video] King Arthur's gold - Fan-made Trailer

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Riletyface, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    I liked it. Although maybe you could explain a bit more about zombies?
  2. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    Hmm...pretty good trailer,however you should add info about premium,and what features you get for it,perhaps with this text:
    If you give the king gold...
    [video of clicking the buy button]
    you will be able to fight zombies
    [video of zombies]
    ...and get hats and haircuts
    [video/picture of hats]
    and more!
    [when slopes and ropes come out,p
    erhaps picture them?]
    Riletyface likes this.
  3. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    I liked it alot! Although the zombie thing could be a bit fuzzy. 8/10 :p
    Riletyface likes this.
  4. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    I don't think Zombies are too hard to understand. SURVIVAL! Great trailer!
  5. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Very very Nice Trailer :)
    Why don't you record its Ingame SFX by using the Stereo Mix ? :)
    Well 9.5/10 !