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Voting discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by norill, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. So voting gets bitched at on a regular basis. Large part of the bitching is coming from people who should get kicked actually getting kicked, but occasionally people get kicked by mistake. Getting wrongfully kicked isn't fun and something should be done to minimise the number of those mistakes. Also since last build minimal participation threshold is back, a change i am strongly opposed to.

    And while votekicks are the most important part of voting, let's not forget other vote types: nextmap and surrender. Personally i think there's nothing wrong with them, but some people say they pass too easily.

    This thread is meant to be and exhaustive discussion of that is wrong with voting and how to fix it. There will be a second thread in the future that will include a poll with solutions suggested in this thread. After that we will implement whatever solution(s) is chosen in that poll and be FUCKING DONE WITH THIS ISSUE FOREVER. So make your vote count.

    Some related threads where issues with voting were already discussed:
    https://forum.thd.vg/threads/admins-being-allowed-to-skip-maps.26131/ (not exactly voting)

    My commentary on some of already suggested things:
    • increase required percentage to pass votes from 50% to something higher -> uhh, maybe. it suggested as high as 80% which is ridiculous (more than 4 yes per 1 no, are you nuts?). this is a very simple solution and most likely the best, though i think it should only apply to kick votes, and surrender/nextmap should stay at 50%. just because you dont agree with majority doesnt mean the majority is wrong and stupid and the system needs changing.
    • last build "fix": pass votes if yes > 50% * all (aka minimal participation threshold) -> FUCK NO, we've been there already and it was cancer. and now it's back. votes almost never pass, it introduced a very strong bias toward no, because it effectively treats a lack of vote as vote for no and most people dont vote because they either dont care or didn't see anything kick-worthy (in case of kick vote). to make things worse explicitly voting no is pointless - you might as well just dont vote.
    • pass votes if yes > no + 2 -> nope. while not as bad as above, it is just an reiteration of increasing required percentage, that has an additional problem that it doesn't scale nicely with changing number of players on server. to a point where a team of 2 players cant surrender even if they unanimously vote yes.
    For reference, some example percentages given vote counts:
    yes  no
    3    1    75,0%
    6    2    75,0%
    8    3    72,7%
    5    2    71,4%
    7    3    70,0%
    2    1    66,7%
    4    2    66,7%
    6    3    66,7%
    8    4    66,7%
    7    4    63,6%
    5    3    62,5%
    8    5    61,5%
    3    2    60,0%
    6    4    60,0%
    7    5    58,3%
    4    3    57,1%
    8    6    57,1%
    5    4    55,6%
    6    5    54,5%
    7    6    53,8%
    8    7    53,3%
    1    1    50,0%
    keep in mind that for a vote to pass the resulting percentage has to be greater than a given threshold, not equal. e.g. with current 50% threshold, with 1 yes & 1 no a vote will not pass. likewise with 60% a 3 vs 2 vote will not pass.

    In conclusion: my opinion is that required percentage for votekicks should be increased to 60%, and for nextmap and surrender votes it should stay at 50%.