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What class do you like? (Survey)

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by killatron46, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. Bunnyninja

    Bunnyninja Bison Rider

    Current build = [421]
    What Class do you like best? Why? Archer, because i like to kill from a range
    are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Tri-Classal
    What Class do you think you're the best at?: Knight
    Which Class do you play most?: knight
    Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why? None
    Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    Archer: 8
    Builder: 7
    Knight: 8
    Extra Info: :huh?:
  2. thegoodone

    thegoodone Tree Planter

    Current build = [421]
    As for me, the best class in game is knight. This warrior is just like war mashine when you have some skills.Also,I thnk that I cope wit this class well.
    I dislike archers. They`re butthurt.:oops:
    Archer: 0
    Builder: 9
    Knight: 10
    I love playing King Arthur's Gold too! =D

    ~Edit, Thanks for being the only one to post the correct build number, I'll try to remember to update my template at the same time as the C&M forums, Killatron46~
    killatron46 likes this.
  3. DivineEvil

    DivineEvil Tree Planter

    • Current build = [421]
    • What Class do you like best?: Builder Why?: Most variable mechanics involved
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? bi-classal, Archer as secondary class.
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Builder
    • Which Class do you play most?: Builder, up for an entire rounds.
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: None, they're all quite balanced.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 6
    • Builder: 9
    • Knight: 4
    • Extra Info: None
  4. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    • Current build = [428]
    • What Class do you like best?:Knight Why?:BOMBS :D...and its the only class I can ever get a good kdr with.
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Bi-classal (Knight/builder)
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:Knight and builder
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?:Archer Why?:Still overpowered,and they are (personally) the hardest class to use.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 5.5/10
    • Builder: 7.5/10
    • Knight: 9.5/10
    • Extra Info DIE ARCHERS!
    • EDIT: Archers are ok if there are good ones (Carver,kag625,Ivy etc)on your team.
    Ivy likes this.
  5. Andrijapk

    Andrijapk Catapult Fodder

    Current build = [428]
    What class do you like best?:Knight Why?:Mainly bombs,strong melee,just bombjump and bypass towers etc.
    Are you only a single class,bi-classal or tri-classal? tri-classal,because being single class isn,t good,same with bi-classal,cuz the more you know...
    What class you think you,re best at?Knight
    Whitch class do you play most?Knight
    Is there a class(es) you do not like?: None Why?:everyone has it,s unique thing that i know to use,but i am best as knight.
    Rate the classes on a 1-10 scale,
    Extra info:Every class is the best,if you know to use it correctly and if you have victory plan going on ;)
    Edit:If you have issues wihth a class(es),you need some SERIOUS training :D
    Info tabel::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :sword::blank::bow::blank::hammer: Class
    10:blank: 10:blank: 10 Rating Edit:Every class is good,if you know to use it ;):blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :blank::blank::blank::blank::blank::blank: :thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_down::blank::thumbs_up: Melee Combat Edit:Builder also has melee,so ya ;)
    :thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_down: Ranged Combat Edit:knight can use bombs,so i put yes ;)
    :thumbs_down::blank::thumbs_down::blank::thumbs_up: Building abbility Edit:knight can use shield as an ladder,but it isn,t a proper structure
    :thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_up: Destroying abbility Edit:Knight can use bombs,Archer can break dirt and trees,everyone can use kegs or cata
    :thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_up::blank::thumbs_up: Butthurting combat Edit:EVERY CLASS HAVE EATEN TOO MUCH CHEESECAKES :D:DX3X3:D
    P.S how to make a picture(it is shity to have one ? as an picture :()
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    • Current build = [428]
    • What Class do you like best?:archer Why?:they are (imo) pretty well balanced up front, but with a little skill, they can be hell for the enemy
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? tri-classal: i mostly play archer, use knight if needed, and change to builder if we a) have noobs on team b)need more of them
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:archer,
    • Which Class do you play most?: archer
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?:gay archers and knights (spammers) Why?:bomb/arrowspam is annoying, wastefull, and unfair. its not even fun to win using it.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: normal:9 spammer:3
    • Builder:7
    • Knight:8
    • Extra Info:
  7. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    • Current build = [469]
    • What Class do you like best?: Knight
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal?: Bi-Classas, although I am no where near as good as I am with builder, as I am with Knight
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: Knight
    • Which Class do you play most?: Knight
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Not really, except I have a hard time playing with archer, or against one.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 4/10
    • Builder: 7/10
    • Knight: 9/10
    • Extra Info: None :P
  8. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    • Current build = [489]
    • What Class do you like best?: Why?: knight because I'm good at it
    • are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? i usually go knight but sometimes go as builder and enjoy playing in archer servers
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?: (second)
    • Which Class do you play most?: again (third)
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?:none
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,10/10 to knight 8/10 to archer and 9/10 to builder
    • Archer: is good but i would like to see more range
    • Builder:is also very nice. i go aggressive builder and pown people with spike timing
    • Knight:as i said ^
    • Extra Info: hmmmmm this game is fun
  9. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    • Current build = [489]
    • What Class do you like best?: Archer. Why?: Because I find it is a easy way to get kills and I love pissing off knights.
    • Are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Bi-classal
    • What Class do you think you're the best at?:Archer or Knight , I usually have the best kill/death ratio as a archer. I'm also a good at knight but i'm better archer than an knight.
    • Which Class do you play most?: Archer on Ctf and Knight on RTDM
    • Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Not really but during some builds I feel the knight class is getting weaker.. Why?: Because of the new builds.
    • Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
    • Archer: 10
    • Builder: 8
    • Knight: 5
  10. daki312

    daki312 Catapult Fodder


    • [*]Current build = [265]
      [*]What Class do you like best?: Builder :builder: Why?: Because I can make traps and towers :)
      [*]are you only a single class, bi-classal or tri-classal? Builder/Archer
      [*]What Class do you think you're the best at?: Builder
      [*]Which Class do you play most?: Builder xd
      [*]Is there a Class(es) you do not like?: Why?: No, I like everybody :)
      [*]Rate the Classes on a 1-10 scale,
      [*]Archer: 7
      [*]Builder: 10
      [*]Knight: 5
      [*]Extra Info: I like making tunnel traps

  11. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    It's not in 265 right now?
    Gofio likes this.
  12. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    it'd be better to turn it around...
    562 is closer.