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What did you want to be when you were younger?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by toffie0, Jul 8, 2015.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Let's see, as a young kid, I had wanted to be a police officer, I personally dislike crime, and I like peace, I then realized I'm not an athletic person at all. I then wanted to be a game designer because I love video games. Then I learned it was incredibly complex and I didn't understand code at all. So then in high school, I was bouncing between teaching, and being a musician. I took the middle ground and decided to major in music education.
  2. An astronaut AND a farmer, both at once, that was the most important thing! Farmer because I was obsessed with tractors and an astronaut because of interest in the universe.
    J-man2003 and PanduhsFTW like this.
  3. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    You know you love the drama on these forums.

    Update on Aerospace Engineering dream, currently in the process of applying to study Aerospace Engineering at university.
    J-man2003 and PanduhsFTW like this.
  4. A dentist, actually. One with a massive drill.
    J-man2003, InsaneMTL and Snake19 like this.
  5. Troy_McMaster

    Troy_McMaster Catapult Fodder

    I had always wanted to be an astronaut, from as far back as I can remember. This was primarily because, as a kid, I was under the impression that astronauts did no work or study; they just had to roam the skies and look at amazing sights. It was only later that the hard-hitting reality hit me... and it forever remains a dream! 25252525
  6. Withror

    Withror Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Personally, I wanted to be an archaeologist, so that I can dig up spooky scary skeletons :smug:
    J-man2003 likes this.
  7. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    Nice meme m89, we can get our quickscoping shovels and dig together for proof of the spookinati.
  8. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    A good programmer...now I'm just bad. #blameFurai
  9. tristesse

    tristesse Base Burner

    I find this question funny, cause aren't a lot of people who play kag still young? (lol me)
    I think when I was younger I wanted to be all sorts of things like a ballerina, a firefighter, a teacher. And of course I've always hated my mother's ideas of a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer. Well I still haven't graduated high school and I've been thinking about law or social work. I work in a law firm and being a lawyer or something doe$n't $eem like $uch a bad idea. As for social work, I know a lot of people's lives just suck in all sorts of way and I want to help however I can. I also have a lot of friends who struggle a lot with mental health and/or families and stuff.
    J-man2003, Auburn and Jonttubosse like this.
  10. @tristesse, if you ever need career advice... you can never go wrong with plumber.
  11. Withror

    Withror Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yeah, look at Super Mario, it's been doing great for him.
    J-man2003 and butterscotch like this.
  12. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    Wait, is this a minor on the internet that's mature? No, seriously mate feel proud that you're not stereotypical.

    As for your dreams of being a lawyer I support it all the way, this world needs someone actually helping it progress...
  13. Mariox222

    Mariox222 Arsonist
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

  14. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Game maker, duh.
    Also, musician, guess I'm pretty close.:smug:
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 27, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 27, 2015 ---
    Oh I almost forgot, who has never wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer at some point in their life?! ::P:
    butterscotch, J-man2003 and Auburn like this.
  15. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    J-man2003 and 3p1cL0bster like this.
  16. 3p1cL0bster

    3p1cL0bster Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Dream come true :QQ:
    J-man2003 likes this.
  17. tristesse

    tristesse Base Burner

    Haha actually there's many promising trades programs at my school. While it all sounds very tempting because of how good the programs are (and let's be honest, I could make hella $$$) being an underwater welder (which seems to be very in demand) is not in my heart </3
    butterscotch likes this.
  18. Read that as underwear welder...
    PanduhsFTW, Auburn and J-man2003 like this.
  19. tristesse

    tristesse Base Burner

    I could probably make money off of that too
    J-man2003 likes this.
  20. Sounds like a Dwarf Fort profession.
    J-man2003 likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi