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What do you want in an ideal CTF mode?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rayne, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor



    I would like to build a big tall castle, the beds and the migrants will represent tickets, when someone respawns there is a waiting time like 5 s as I recall so someone else can respawn, maybe this timer can be made longer, so if a lot of people die and there aren't enough beds with migrants, they need to wait a lot which means bad time for them, this will encourage building big tall bases.

    There should be something that will counter spamming of beds, like I suggested in another topic to add 25-50 wood to the cost of a bed for every bed created for our team. And I am also thinking, more population = more shipments of resources?

    About buying items, if we have migrants we could put them to work as we already have that, so we don't need to buy items, because there should be enough factories being run by migrants. Also, seeds must be included in the trader shop or in every shipment.

    It would also be nice to be able to buy classes, with coins maybe? Because buying gold from trader is too easy. So if you want to be a knight or archer so you can afford the armor and weapons you would need either to play as a builder or to bounty hunt enemies. Builder will be free, archer will have a price and knight would be more expensive. At the beginning everyone can become a knight, but if they die a lot as I said.... and if builders die they will not get penalized.
    If this cannot be implemented right now it is fine without it because with a tall big base comes a lot of defenses so the other team would need a lot of man power. But imagine an army of builders they can crack the fortress wide open, but if there is one knight he can take a lot out. So knight is very important and it becomes a lot more important if many cannot afford him.