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What Do You Want to See in the Next Major Build?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dwatring, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. archont

    archont Guest

    KAG isn't a democracy. KAG is WAR.

    (or alternatively a monarchy under the rule of King Arthur)

    That said while I'm not trying to insult anyone (yes I am) 90% of gamers are idiots and would make remarkably bad game designers. There's a reason why an MMORPG is considered balanced when the players bitch about every class except their own being overpowered.

    Of course a developer should listen to his playerbase. Just keep in mind that it's just wishful thinking of the unwashed masses. Publishers, who are in the game industry, tend to make pretty retarded choices as it is. People who have no other relationship than playing the game know even less.
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Good job putting a downer on a popular thread there.
  3. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    100% of all statistics are made up.

    (We're the other 10%.)
  4. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Great way to piss on the peoples parade on a popular thread... :(
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I would like to see gipping bodies back too in the next build. But I don't want the archer arrows to hit bodies again.
  6. Beef

    Beef Guest

    Speaking of gibbing bodies, I really like how, when a knight get's all exploded, you see their sword spinning off now, enjoying it's first taste of freedom... (before it disappears into the dark under belly of KAG coding and disappears)
  7. valexiani

    valexiani Guest

    what do you think about monsters hidden in the ground?
  8. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    I think you're miencrafting the game.
  9. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    d'aww I don't want to get hidden into ground 3;
  10. vampo

    vampo Guest

    I'm atheist and I think religion in games is awesome. It's usually pretty sacrilegious, too. I mean, most modern religions don't actually believe in magic and stuff, but that's what's happening when you put religion into games.

    I'm gonna say 1, 10 and 12 if 12 actually effects water levels and stuff.
  11. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Guest

    Wood Blocks. Everthing in the category [wood blocks [i.e Fire/Water]].
  12. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    Giant Temple of Cock. It's a religious building that houses the holy Flying Chickens. That, or the chicken coop.
  13. Snow

    Snow Guest

    I want to add one thing to the list, that might not be possible yet for the next build but a future build - such as a few months say. I remember Geti talking about adding water, meaning that I'm sure making things float would be a possibility.

    So I want to see the ability to build boats.

    I dozed off a bit yesterday and dream't I was playing KAG, but my team was building a pirate ship which we had to use to cross water to get to land where the other team was waiting. We built an awesome multifloor ship with cannons, catapults and even a pirate flag. We had probably 3 or 4 well protected OP's on the ship, but eventually the enemy blasted the ship so bad with cannons and catapults that most were destroyed, and not everyone on our team was able to spawn on our ship anymore... that's as much as I remember from the dream.. it was a short, but lucid one.

    It would add the ability for more game modes. For instance you could have a game mode similar to gold hunt, but the gold is buried deep beneath a tiny island in the middle of a large map. Both teams start on islands on both the far left and right of the map and first must build their ship.. or fleet of boats/ships and try to get to the island to start attaching defenses to it and start digging. Eventually ships or fleets meet in a constant battle on the surface at the island as both teams are also fighting and scrambling underground. The thing is though, having a boat or structure that moves might break from the square-tiled look, but then again I've seen similar in SNES games (and that didn't break from the look), and KAG is very much starting to look like an SNES game (a high quality one that is).
  14. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Do you ever go to the suggestion forum? i got a few idea suggestions/sprites of boats up and most arent even finished yet.
  15. Snow

    Snow Guest

    Well by boat, I'm talkin more about having wood blocks - x number placed in a straight row can float in water - say at least 12. Kinda like a raft or simply floating platform. You can then build on it - either a fortress or structure that looks like a ship. Maybe I should revise my post and just say wood blocks that can float. If you have a hole in the platform, the thing starts to sink.
  16. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    That might be possible, but is in the "very later" category :P I'd love it too, especially with sinking chunks of broken castles and the like, but not for now.
  17. Utahraptor

    Utahraptor Guest

    Waterworld Map, battle of the rafts.
  18. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    Lmfao @ the thought of naval warfare in kag
  19. SpitfireXero

    SpitfireXero KAG Guard Tester

    I can see the flooding of tunnels to eliminate the enemy and such, but I can't yet see any naval warfare. It's enticing, though.
  20. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Guest

    Three words.

    Fog. Of. War.

    It would make stealth a part of the game, and I absolutely love the idea of being a sneaky ninja.