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What is a small change that could improve the current build drastically? [1236]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheDirtySwine, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Yeah, but wouldn't it be a lot more convenient and intuitive if he had just picked up the keg in the first place because that's what his cursor was closer to? Then you don't have to play one man hot potato with all your explosives. I've died from that kind of stuff regardless of how it's supposed to work.

    Also, sandbox is way different than actual multiplayer
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
    RampageX likes this.
  2. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    Superb observation / clarification.
  3. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I love how that .gif and this explanation solidified that it's an incredibly flawed system.
  4. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Make enemy storages drop mats when destroyed.
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  5. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    They do.
  6. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    But what I ment was Enemy storages.
  7. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I think they actually do too.
    PUNK123 likes this.
  8. DragonShark

    DragonShark The one post after the other. Donator

    Ok wow, let me check it out then.
  9. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Was on mod server and saw workshops made with gold drop that gold when you destroyed them, is that normal or mod?
  10. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    That's normal
  11. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Suggested byt this motherfucker some months ago :>
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  12. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    Demo of the new C + LMB shizzle:
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  13. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    Let's be honest, @Fuzzle is the most based community man there is. (and mak and skinney and others).
    SirDangalang likes this.
  14. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    Pickup scale modifications.
    Critique is welcome.

        // Very important shizzle.
        || blob.get_u32("unpack time") > getGameTime())
            scale *= 0.14f;
            scale *= 0.01f;
        // Important shizzle.
        if(NAME == "keg")
            scale *= 0.26f;
        if(NAME == "mine")
            scale *= 0.65f;
        if(NAME == "boulder"
        || NAME == "drill"
        || NAME == "crate"
        || NAME == "saw")
            scale *= 0.78f;
            scale *= 0.85f;
        // Actual shizzle.
        if(NAME == "seed"
        && this.getName() != "builder")
            scale *= 3.8f;
        if(NAME == "log"
        || blob.hasTag("dead"))
            scale *= 9.0f;
        // Class specific shizzle.
        if(blob.hasTag("material")) {
            if(NAME == "mat_wood"
            || NAME == "mat_stone"
            || NAME == "mat_gold") {
                if(this.getName() == "builder")
                     scale *= 0.36f;
                else scale *= 3.8f;
                // Dependent on quantity.
                scale *= 1.25f - float(blob.getQuantity()) / blob.maxQuantity * 2;
            } else if(NAME == "mat_bombs"
                   || NAME == "mat_waterbombs") {
                if(this.getName() == "knight")
                    scale *= 0.34f;
            } else if(NAME == "mat_arrows"
                   || NAME == "mat_waterarrows"
                   || NAME == "mat_firearrows"
                   || NAME == "mat_bombarrows") {
                if(this.getName() == "archer") {
                    if(NAME == "mat_arrows")
                         scale *= 0.8f;
                    else scale *= 0.34f;
                } else {
                    if(NAME == "mat_arrows")
                        scale *= 4.8f;

        u32 gameTime = getGameTime();
        // 0
        // exploding stuff + crates unpacking
            u32 unpackTime = b.get_u32("unpack time");
            if (b.hasTag("exploding") || unpackTime > gameTime)
                scale *= 0.1f;
            //special stuff - flags etc
            if (b.hasTag("special"))
                scale *= 0.01f;
        // 1
        // combat items, important
        const string name = b.getName();
            if (name == "boulder" || name == "drill" || name == "keg" ||
                   name == "mine" || name == "satchel" || name == "crate")
                scale *= 0.41f;
        //low priority
        if (name == "log" || b.hasTag("player"))
            scale *= 5.0f;
        // super low priority
        // dead stuff, sick of picking up corpses
            if (b.hasTag("dead"))
                scale *= 10.0f;
        const string thisname = this.getName();
        //per class material scaling - done last for perf reasons
        if (b.hasTag("material"))
            if (name == "mat_wood" || name == "mat_stone" || name == "mat_gold")
                if (thisname == "builder")
                    scale *= 0.25f;
                    scale *= 4.0f;
                    scale += 20.0f;
            else if (name == "mat_bombs" || name == "mat_waterbombs")
                if (thisname == "knight")
                    scale *= 0.25f;
                    scale *= 4.0f;
                    scale += 20.0f;
            else if (name == "mat_arrows" || name == "mat_waterarrows" ||
                    name == "mat_firearrows" || name == "mat_bombarrows")
                if (thisname == "archer")
                    if (name == "mat_arrows")
                        scale *= 0.3f; //pick special arrows first
                        scale *= 0.25f;
                    scale *= 4.0f;
                    scale += 20.0f;
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  15. kodysch

    kodysch Bison Rider Staff Alumni
    1. Archers [Arch] (Recruiting)

    Two things,

    1. When a damage dealing stomp lands on a shielding knight the knight should be stunned.

    2. When a player dies the corpse blob should retain the damage that player would deal in stomp damage. after corpse has been picked up it will revert to how it is now( corpse damage doing 1/4 heart)

    Bullshit how it only does 1/4 after you die when you went in for a stomp but the slash/arrow mechanics reach past it's detection radius.
  16. PeggleFrank

    PeggleFrank Base Burner

    A little sprite/hitbox modification to the warboat so that it has a closed room with a door on it. It's a great place to be spawn killed, currently.

    Also, some way for boats to actually be useful, besides just speed and tactical advantage. Some very basic automatic weaponry (or just making the arrow launcher automatic on the warboat) could go a long way to making a warboat genuinely useful, considering how much gold it costs. You could buy almost two ballistas or up to three or so catapults with the gold required to make one warboat, and it's not even useful on maps that don't have water. It needs to be more destructive.

    Giving it an in-built mini-shop for bombs and arrows could also be a good, more defensive idea.
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
    8x, tru0067 and kodysch like this.
  17. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    I'm currently fiddlin' a bit with the map scripts:
    I'll make it possible to check if the map contains water.
    Then use it to remove / disable Boat Shops and the quite
    intensive script for spawning Fishies on non-water maps.
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
    Tern and blackjoker77777 like this.
  18. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    Less fall damage/no stun (depeding on the height) when you fall on a corpse? maybe?