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What's your opinion on consoles?

Discussion in 'Other games' started by eamono, Jul 17, 2013.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    PC:I want a a really good one that can play bf4 on ultra, but that aint gona happend. The price is a little much for me. Don't get me wrong I know you can get a decent one for about 500-800 and get 60 fps on most games, but if im want to play PC I want the mega graphics. One can only hope. Also the games don't run that well (network wise) as other game hardware such as consoles. I'm happy with the one I got
    This is mine hp pavilion p-7 1299cb

    PS3: Love it, I like the UI and the cool features. PS+ is pretty reasonable you get alot of good games for free such as the little big planet series and some others.
    PS4: Can't wait to see how it is. I will be getting this

    Xbox 360: I don't own any of them, but the UI seems confusing(Probably because I don't own one) Though the keyboad for type looks slick, but thats all I have to say about the 360
    Xbox One: Basically the same feeling about the ps4, but I wont be getting a one

    3DS: I want one of these so badly
    Wii: My friend has a wii and its pretty fun
    Wii U: Never got to try one

    Phone: Its pretty fun to play when you have time to kill and your not at home. I have a xperia play so mobile gaming is a little easier for me.
  2. PixelatedHero

    PixelatedHero Catapult Fodder


    Wii - I had a few years of fun. Although I only like the games that had the gamecube controllers able to be used with gameplay. Never really liked the motion control.

    Wii U - This thing is some real ratshit. I dont like the idea at all. What the hell is this tablet control supposed to be? If i got one it'd only be for Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei.

    PS3 - Interface confusing... Never really had one, but remember seeing a freind use one.

    Xbox 360 - Hell, the only thing I got this for was for Morrowind, and then Skyrim. Still play them today. Of couse, I have it on console because that was before I had this laptop that would actually BE ABLE to run them both on high graphics. I have Morrowind on my PC now, by the way.

    3DS - I have one. Forgot my freind code. Man, the 3ds was nothing but complete awesome. I had sooooo many awesome and fun games on it. This is probably what gave nintendo the head in 2011 - 2012.

    PC - Time Consumption out of my total lifelong: 65% of my whole life on this thing. Other 45% is freinds.... My school is online. :P Yes, thats kind of wierd. :P
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2013
  3. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    The issue with console gaming is that sony and microsoft have the more powerful systems, but they don't know how to use them properly, most of their good games are third party. Nintendo is the exact opposite, they don't have powerful systems, but they make really good games for them (LoZ, SSB, Mario Kart, etc.) and third party doesn't know what to do with nintendo's systems. I'm sorry, but CoD wasn't meant for nintendo
    Atheon, amgtree and JoshTG like this.
  4. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    My opinions of consoles now that we have know stuff about the xbone/ps4:

    Xbone: I have no idea what microsoft was thinking, Xbone took everything good about console gaming and threw it away.

    Xbox 360: Despite the xbone being a dog shit sandwhich 360 is still actually good, nothing is quite like playing Halo 3 with friends and destiny is coming out for it soon. I've heard rumors that Microsoft is going to shut down the 360 servers if the xbone does well so thats bad :O

    Ps4: its miles better then the xbone, but honestly none of the exclusives they announced appeal to me, I never really liked metal gear and infamous second son doesn't look too great either, but I may pick up a ps4 if they announce some better games

    ps3: like the 360 with different exclusives and no rumors about them shutting down, not much to say.

    Wii U: It might be worth it if they drop the price down some more and add more exclusives, when it came out all you could really play was another mario platformer and some crappy ports of games that have been out on everything else for years. Now they have released pikmin 3, they have teased at a possible (not comfirmed) pokemon game for wii U, and a HD remake of wind waker is coming out soon. If the price drops I might just get a wii U for wind waker, it was one of my favorite games as a kid and always brings back memories :')

    3ds: its worth the ~150~ish dollars if your interested in the exclusives, mainly fire emblem, pokemon, animalcrossing, and zelda. My only big complaint is that the 3d is a piece of shit.

    2ds: for those of you that don't know there is a new 2ds coming out, its just a 3ds with no 3d and *oh yeah thats right* IT CANT FOLD. you have to carry it in a fucking bag so unless you carry a purse/manpurse you probably aren't going to be carrying it anywhere

    ps vita: noting new on this

    PC: I've made more of a shift twoards PC gaming, I used to mainly play console and have a PC for the exclusives, but now I'm playing PC more and playing my xbox for the exclusives. I still don't like all the "lol PC master race" people but I'm definetly going to be playing PC a lot more.
  5. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Just a note, nintendo did a shit job of advertising the 2DS, it's for kids, because kids be all "I wonder how far this thing will bend" *SNAP* So... unless you're buying it for someone younger than 5, get a 3ds
  6. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Im pretty sure they made it as a cheaper alternative that didnt want to pay for the shitty 3d function
    Hawxx likes this.
  7. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    At the pawnshop I could of bought a 3ds for $60.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 23, 2013, Original Post Date: Sep 23, 2013 ---
    Also I like how Nintendo has some nice educational games. I never played them, but it gives them a good rep.
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Just going to say, it's basically this.

    The reason the 2DS is even being made is because the 3DS has to have a warning saying that anyone 5 and under can't use it due to the 3D. Now if you want to get your kid a new 3DS game and he's under 5, you still can't get him a 3DS (unless you are retarded). The reason being that there's no way to really make the 3D slider "child proof" so that it locks into 2D at all times. This is why they made a version that has 2D only all the time. If there is no 3D, there is no way for a child to accidentally turn it on and cause them to develop vision problems.

    Additionally, as Auburn stated kids have a tendency to break things (if you ever been around a bunch of kids, you know this). Removing the hinge so it doesn't close like a clam shell increases durability. Less moving parts = harder to break. Also, since it's for kids, it doesn't really matter if it can close or not since a regular 3DS isn't fitting in their pockets anytime soon, and any decent mom/dad is going to being carry a bag around with them for their child so the fact that it can't fold isn't an issue in that case.

    However since it doesn't have 3d anymore and it's slightly cheaper to manufacture (since hinges make it cost a bit), the price is going to be lower. This gives Nintendo the benefit of selling to a small niche group, other than parents who want to buy their young kids a game. This group in particular would be people who were on the fence about buying a 3DS cause they didn't really care about the 3D but simply want to play the games available on it. The fact that it's cheaper might make those who were on the fence now more willing to buy it.

    But yes, marketing for it has generally been bad.
    Atheon likes this.
  9. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    actually parents disable the 3d all together and lock it with a special code. My guess is that the 2ds was made as a sturdier alternative and they removed the 3d so people would stop bitching about it. But if this is marketed to under 5's then it just seems like a waste, I can get a virtually indestructible GBA and a copy of mario 3 for about 15 bucks, I don't think a 5 year will have any more fun playing a slightly better looking mario game for 100$ more. I would just wait until I can get them a 3ds and a copy of the new pokemon game or animal crossing
Mods: BlueLuigi