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Why do you like KAG?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BindNation, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    Really I hate migrants, I leave them in a pit.
    DrZaloski, FAITH, SARGRA13 and 2 others like this.
  2. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    I love kag, because this game got the best forum I've ever been.
  3. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    Well, I have really never played PC games, and this game has opened up ALL computer games to me, I know have steam, skype, evolve ETC. This game is inuwitive (Fuck spelling like CoD said :P), fun, fast paced. Also, when I search some questions about games I get taken to forums and it dawns on me, "Holy SHIT!" KAG's forums are actually that good, looking, and most importantly the community, we have good devs, well I would say relaxing, but like someone said (Leader or MOLE) it gets you truly angry, but not really in a bad way. But what does annoy me are some pubs, FFS that rages me..... I could go on all day. ;) Happy kagin!
    DrZaloski, Gunnar and cschm49 like this.
  4. cschm49

    cschm49 Shopkeep Stealer

    Well i enjoying going around to severs and meeting new people which is what has made KAG great for me. i love multiplayer games and this one takes to a whole new level becuase it isn't a full on social game its got action and a bit of social mixed in which i think is a great mix and also the comunitiy is great with this epic forum keep up the good work
  5. lehoon

    lehoon King

    Various dance moves (without that teabag motion)
    PumpkingSlice and Rayne like this.
  6. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    You can do the moon walk. Face one way and walk back the opposite way you're facing.
    XyellowX and BindNation like this.
  7. Viken

    Viken Horde Gibber

    It's simple and casual, has plenty of variety to it [attack by air, ground, or underground], and games are very easy to jump into [and are usually quick-ish].
  8. Mister_Meatball

    Mister_Meatball Base Burner

    The great player base on gold servers for one. What initially drew me to this game though was being able to have a massive amount of players working together to attack/defend castles, the great forum community was just icing on the pixelated cake.
  9. benburger

    benburger Builder Stabber

    I love King Arthur's Gold.

    It's easy to pick up and play. You don't need to invest weeks in it to learn the hundreds of actions your character must perform to take the first step toward mediocrity, like in a roguelike. You don't need to scour the countless websites devoted to describing all the precautions any decent player must take in order to avoid being one-shotted, like in cod. You don't need to grind up on forest wolves for some guy who's too lazy to do it himself only to earn a measly xp bonus and a crappy piece of equipment like in any mmorpg.

    What you can do is build amazing structures with numerous traps installed in every nook and cranny while your fellow soldiers protect you from outside. You can grab a sword and a shield or a bow and some arrows to mow down anyone that dares approach the magnificent fortress your builders have labored endlessly to construct. KAG has flavor, y'know? It's a different kind of game where people who can't fight worth a darn are just as useful as the ones who can. It's a game with something for everyone.

    I also like it when you collapse stuff on stuff. That's just awesome.
    PumpkingSlice, Chrispin, Beef and 3 others like this.
  10. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I like to build, stuff;

    and shoot stuff;

    and die trying to kill someone as a knight.

    <insert some comment about the future of KAG here>
    DrZaloski and Ghozt like this.
  11. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    I like how frontline combat can go apeshit crazy and blow out your bones, eat what's left of your horribly mangled body, spit out your teeth and make off with your money in a little under five seconds.
    PumpkingSlice, Beef, cschm49 and 3 others like this.
  12. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    GHOZT likes this.
  13. BindNation

    BindNation Bison Rider

    All legit responses. :flex:
    GHOZT likes this.
  14. Yihka

    Yihka Shopkeep Stealer

    This game reminds me a lot of Clonk and Terraria which are games I really liked.

    The reason I like KAG is because of it's destructible enviroment and you can build freely. Plus the combat is quite fun and the fact that every game is slightly different is what makes me come back to it. Not to forget the fact that soon you'll be able to change almost every part of the game and that it's still bringing out new features to make the game even better!
    KnightGabe13 likes this.
  15. FAITH

    FAITH Shark Slayer

    i like the game for its social aspect and the game itself to meet great ppl hav fun and remember old childhood games and to post this:shad:
  16. Almost_Flying_Duck

    Almost_Flying_Duck Builder Stabber

    I'm trapped and my life has spiraled out of control.
  17. chickennugget22

    chickennugget22 Horde Gibber

    I like kag becasue i like rapid action games
  18. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    I like trolling people.
    KnightGabe13 and Chinizz like this.
  19. CoughDrop

    CoughDrop KAG Guard Tester

    " i hat8 this game and is for gays ." --reyn
    Rayne and Contrary like this.
  20. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    ...was that a troll? ;)