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Why I believe KAB has received so much negative feedback.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fucu, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I think majority of the forts in Beta look rather nice, and the new maps have generally a bit less water + more halls, there's actually a lot of land moshpit combat going on all the time.
  2. Solomon-Grundy

    Solomon-Grundy Shopkeep Stealer

    Really? That seems like such an edge-case to remove an entire mechanic for. As someone who loves playing builder, the removal of this is a huge bummer. That and the nerfing of any damage you can do combat-wise makes being a builder a real drag in beta.
    Rayne likes this.
  3. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    i just thought of a reason why some people hate beta so much. whenever the teams on any server go up to 10 or more per team shit starts to get wierd. bombs explode 5 seconds after detonation and make it impossible to bomb jump. also memory leaks happen more frequently i noticed at that many people. i keep on looking at the update log and i keep on seeing WE OPTIMIZED IT EVEN MORE FOR THE 8TH TIME. and i play it and its just even worse then it was before. what i really want more than anything out of beta right now is a really optimized game that doesnt lag at 20 players or more. this game will suffer if they cant fix and fix it for good because quite frankly im getting fed up with all the skips and lag that still exists in that game. other than that its great and can only get better:)
  4. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    It's because beta isn't multi-threaded(Absolutely fucking terrible), and Beta only will use one core on your machine. So if you have 4-6 cores, it will only use one of them and make the server lag like shit. So pretty much, you need to pay top dollar(Probably like $40+/per month) for a vps that has 3.0GHZ cpu, and like at least 1 gb of ram. However, these lag problems only seem to occur when the server is full of players(24-32) and have a lot of stuff going on(water moving, boats being placed, bombs e.t.c). This is kag, it shouldn't require extreme amount of resources to run a damn server, this is where I am a annoyed.

    Geti mentioned that multi-threaded support will not be available any time soon, because it will require a lot of recoding of the game. Maybe the devs will re-look this over, as I see a game like Kag beta a game that needs as much resources as it can get, and access to more cpu's if needed. Otherwise, don't look forward to multi-threading any time soon, if you have cpus that are maxed at 2.0ghz you are screwed(You need at least 3.0ghz to run a TTH with 32 slots smoothly). Rather annoying, because now I got to go ask my host to upgrade my vps if I want to run beta servers. Who's going to pay for expensive hardware to just run a kag beta server, when you can run like 5 kag classic servers with 2gb ram and 4cpus clocked 2.0ghz?
  5. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    thats just sad :QQ:
  6. Iamaclay

    Iamaclay Shark Slayer

    The reason I said to not get in the back-and-forth was because the argument had spread over a couple of threads and lost the original meaning.

    You're right though. We should call bullshit whenever we see it as a pose to sucking up to mods.
    EDIT: Nah I was just stupid and confused two people before posting. A rare yet unforgivable mistake. :(
  7. Entombing is a really, really horrible tactic to play with and play against (although I have to say it requires in classic to hit decent timings with blocks and whatnot).
    Basically in a game where knights can destroy even less blocks (and not necessarily have bombs) it was considered even more powerful (therefore, thrice as annoying) so it was get rid of.

    Nevertheless, I have to say that you need now much more mats to assault as a builder but I'm sure this will be resolved by certain fixes later on.
    PainGiver likes this.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    If people hosted within their CPU's limits the slowdown and whatnot wouldn't happen. I'm not sure why 32 players is considered the sweet spot for TTH at the moment, I feel like people are just hosting it out of habit.

    We're working on making it faster but there's a big difference between the speed of compiled C++ code and AngelScript - one is optimised like nothing else by the compiler and runs on the CPU, and one is barely optimised at all by the compiler and runs on a virtual machine. Guess which is on average at least 5 times faster? Guess where most of the difference between classic and beta comes down to?

    The optimisations we can perform engine side can only do so much, and optimising the scripts involves quite a lot of refactoring and testing because of how much they are reused and how many interactions there are (as people noticed, optimising and consolidating the movement scripts and fixing one bug in there broke knight combat, archer combat, trampolines, swimming... all for changes to one script). The optimisation of the past week has got the 24 player TTH servers from 100% CPU down to 40% on our machines, but it should be noted that the official servers are hosted on dedicated machines, not some shitty vps.

    Threading may be an option in the future but it isn't the magic bullet people seem to think it is. There's no way to just split the calculations in half and give half to one CPU, half to the other - you have to synchronise everything both cores need to know about and ensure there are no race conditions in play - which for most calculations in a game means one core would be waiting for the other one to do something it's relying on.
    As you might imagine, that's not faster. There are a few things that may be able to be moved to separate cores at some point that don't rely on too much external data but as I said, threading isn't some magic bullet you shoot your game with and it goes twice as fast.

    It should be noted that if you have 4-6 cores you should be able to run 4-6 separate servers without them interfering with each other, but you'll probably have to set the process affinity for each core separately.
  9. Brilly

    Brilly Haxor

    What MPI library did you have in mind?
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    no MPI, just SDL threads, their thread data and synchronisation primitives, as they're the simplest and most portable that I've personally used. I've done a fair bit of fairly low level threading stuff using them for uni and they seem like they'd be suitable, plus we already have SDL threads incorporated for the API threads.
  11. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Entombing... ._.

    I always used to call them termites back in Classic...and dang were they annoying! Most people would use a combo of tunneling and then termite their way up into towers to entomb themselves and destroy it from the inside. All my hate! Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't also constantly taunt those outside of their tomb because they knew it took way too much work to stop them.

    So glad this isn't nearly as much of an issue in BETA.

    Also, being someone mentioned it a little while ago, I don't really understand why people complain that they can't easily beat up Knights as Builder anymore...It doesn't even make sense to be able to do more than small bits of damage to a Knight when the Builder is more of a support class than an offense class. It was always an issue in classic when those who figured out how to exploit how the Builder works could mow down anyone who didn't also know how to play as an offensive builder(or didn't know how to avoid them) and then work on taking down the defenses.
    But hey, people will always defend something that is overpowered when they use that overpowered thing, no matter how unfun it is for others...*stares at tunneling across the map and how many defend that*.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  12. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    geti, someone please hear this. there is a glitch now where you can take out the floor of halls and make spikes under it and saws as well. its really annoying and makes it almost impossibe to take a hall with this exploit. please look in to this issue
    </br>--- merged: Aug 8, 2013 at 2:07 PM ---</br>
    A very not good thing im noticing now is that with these last updates things were fixed and modified in order to make the gaming expierence better. they fixed the trampoline bug as being the more notable fix. however with all these fixes came many bugs. now you can slash through enemy team doors again. you can use ladders to destroy any tile. yes even the floor tiles of halls making it possible to place ridiculously unfair traps in them. knight combat was broken to begin with but now its even worse. i slashed behind and enemy away from him and he died... thats just the begining. im seeing more and more no animation slashes and some even longer swords which is disheartening to say the least. im not sure but i heard something happened with archer combat as well. i did notice arrows curving unnaturally and hitting people they really shouldnt be able to hit at all. im sure there are other stupid bugs now. but this is just showing the problems with beta. this may be a reason as to why some dislike beta. what should be done is thourough testing of every build before its put out for the public use. just putting 3 or more quick builds out with in days has done all this to beta now. i am really worried about one thing tho. is it possible to even get beta to be where it needs to be? every fix or modification seems to have a bad repercussion. like fixing warboats having more hp makes ladders be able to destoy all blocks( theoretically). this theory is open for discussion as im sure the devs would love to hear our suggestions for this mess
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    If you are playing on high ping servers and complaining about longsword, we cannot help that. The majority of your complaints look like they would be symptoms of lag.

    If you are playing on testing server (MMs Testing Grounds) during testing phase and expecting no bugs (like the attacking through doors, which was fixed promptly afterwards), this is an unrealistic expectation.
    I can happily take that server off the public build during testing if it would make you cry less.

    If you think knight combat is broken in beta or otherwise better in alpha, you are blind.

    Arrows curving unnaturally I'd like to see video of - if you're talking about bomb arrows, this is just the way they stick in - it looks bad on high ping, but at high ping the game doesn't work particularly well - neither does any fast, networked game.

    The ladders in all blocks thing is legitimate and will be fixed, but has been there for a while, its not some new thing.
    The halls tiles thing is an unfortunate consequence of the above bug. As I said, it will be fixed

    If you think any of these problems (game code breaking etc) were absent in alpha, you must have come in around the time we stopped working on alpha. Alpha has been plagued by more and more bugs and currently is a buggier experience than beta. Play objectively and see how many issues you can count with sword fighting there :^)

    I suggest you take a few days to calm down. Things aren't nearly as bad as you seem to think.
    DrZaloski, Asu, Crabmaster and 2 others like this.
  14. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Wait, are people really expecting updates of a game in beta form to not cause new bugs by accident? I have a feeling they have never looked into much coding or thought of making their own game before if they didn't except the ye old "Well I fixed one bug but now we have 5 new ones to fix" to happen. Things will smooth out after a while, this is why it is a beta! Heck, during the closed beta many held the mentality of "We aren't here to have fun, but to help find things that need improved or fixed, fun happens in-between though", and trust me things are better along now than they were back early Beta.

    The only time to complain that a Build is buggy is when the game is fully released and not in Beta anymore, once it hits that point I can only imagine that the KAG team will take more time between updates to make sure it is more refined and not release an unfinished update! (I am looking at you Mojang, buggy and broken updates every time!)

    Either way, everyone working on KAG is doing a great job, and deserves some praise, and quite deserves my praise by a landslide, for how the game is coming along, and I plan on sticking around for a good long while to see the progress!
  15. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    Yeah I agree, Beta is really coming along. I cant believe that i'm saying this, but I thought I would always love classic more than beta because I played it so much before Beta even came out. But now I cant stop playing Beta. The devs are doing an awesome job.
    paradoxicalenigma and Conquerer like this.
  16. Solomon-Grundy

    Solomon-Grundy Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah, it was annoying sometimes, but it was also a major strategy in the game for a very long time. It also wasn't necessarily that effective. That builder could spend 15 minutes getting into position, then if a defending builder dug to him and let some knights go kill him, he was toast. My thinking: if an opposing player wastes 15 minutes on a dead-end strategy, that's 15 minutes they aren't doing something to help their team win the game. Same when I used to get knights to chase me around underground as builder... Hey, if they want to waste their time chasing me instead of fighting the real fight...

    Well, the builder does have a GIANT PICKAXE, so from that perspective, it does make sense that he should be able to do some damage. ;)

    But seriously, as someone who largely played offensive-builder in classic, the appeal in Beta right now is pretty low. There seems to be so few resources (now that recycling is gone), and any water-focused map kills any need for forward towers. It seems like the role of builder in Beta is to set up all the automated shops and then go switch to knight. Not fun for my play style, but hey, the game isn't just being built for me...

    Yeah, this is a problem with any class-based game. People always complain that the strategy being used against them is OP. As a builder, drills seemed really overpowered to me. They're really cool, but it kinda makes you go, "why bother?" I'm sure if I was a knight tearing people's shit up, I'd feel differently.
  17. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    That is also several other players in the enemy team trying to dig you out of there while you can just constantly repair the tiles. The termite builder might not be doing something to help their team win the game, but at the same three players on the other team need to be there, preventing the builder from actually becoming useful. Therefore, in a way you are sacrificing one player for 3 enemy players -- and if the enemy ignores you instead, the results will be pretty severe for them.

    That's something strong for a single guy to pull off, and not really fun for anyone else but perhaps the termite himself.

    EDIT edit: I think resources should be harvestable from wood blocks - and wood blocks only - so that the builder can at least quickly provide some ladders or perhaps block the enemy door out.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  18. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    What do you consider a high ping?
  19. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    He's australian, so probably around 500. 400 is the normal ping.
    amgtree and Galen like this.
  20. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Well then with my 200-300 ping the game should be flawless