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Why I believe KAB has received so much negative feedback.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fucu, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    Yeah doesn't even reuire client mods, cool traps are possible with sprites that are atm (not even the used ones). I must admit, I hated Beta at the first days with it, but that's probably the same thin as others... Now I like Beta and Classic equally, Classic for the old, nostalgic design (even if the best atmosphere of this was best in like 190), and sharpness of the visual aspect, while I like Beta for the new style, more possibilities in combat, reeeaaally flexible and easy modding. Love you MM for this clear, so high-level code. I really like all of this, and I guess people say "combat is ruined" just because their ego doesn't allow them to say "my skills in Beta aren't good yet", your skill in classic is almost useless in Beta, so please stop the constant hate and get some skill. Hate is not solution for anything.
    Starsly likes this.