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[WIP] heads modifications

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by RaptorAnton, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Thanks for your nice words.
    And making a flaming head would make sense only if hats will become animated. Though, I still can make you just a frozen flame hat. I suppose, both usual and blue fire. Interested?

    P.S. I'd be totally glad for these hats to be added into the game, in case if I had some profit out of it. I mean, some money, or, at least, a big in-game sign "THESE HATS WERE MADE BY RAPTORANTON! VISIT HIS GALLERY =>=>=> raptoranton.deviantart.com".
    When I don't get actual financial profit - I simply need my name to get more wide-spread, so those, who can hire me, would know my name.
    Don't get it wrong, but I need to pay my rent and eat something, not to die of starving ^^'
  2. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    hahaha, very nice ! the coolest is: The rastaman's hat. :D
  3. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Of course! It will move when I'm attacking : ).
    PS: Geti and MM could add your hats in game like an extra feature and charge 3 dollars for them. For every person who buy those hats you get $1.50

    Devs get more money.
    You get more money.
    Players get new hats.

  4. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    If they're gonna make hats a "buy-apart-from-the-game" feature and pay me at the same terms as you suggested - I'm ready to become their endless source of new hats =)


    At last, I got some time to show you several new hats =)

    What hats do you think of first, when you think of Russia? Personally I think of two hats things hats things hats - the first is a big hat with a red star! Right?
    So come and get it!
    "Soviet Patriot"! :D
    "Ready. comrade!" (c)

    And the next is the one I can't take out of my head since I first played "The Cossacks" game - the one Russ pikemen wear.
    "The Russ Pikeman" (have no idea how it really must be called...
    Sadly, without spear. But you can pretend you left your spear at home and your pet bear will bring it to you soon ;)

    And when I think about US - the first thing hat thing hat I think of - is the Young Scouts. No idea why. And I wonder why, but I feel like some of these scouts wear the hats made out of coons. You know, these awesome hats with coon tails? (Though, I personally don't support killing of fur animals)
    K, anyways, have your...
    "Coon Scout" tailed hat! :D

    And now let's speak about something international - hobos! D
    Or let's better don't speak about them and simply wear as one of them ;)

    Download this file, remove the original MaleHeads.png file with it (don't forget to make a copy of the original one and rename the new one to MaleHeads.png ;) )
    Noburu likes this.
  5. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    Very Good ! :D
  6. zninja

    zninja Shopkeep Stealer

    Your heads/hats are better than any of the vanilla content IMO. I have some requests/ideas:
    • Yellow engineer helmet
    • Storm trooper (from Star Wars)
    • Homer Simpson
    • A robot with a red eye
    They don't make any sense and none of them fits the medieval theme though.
  7. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    I'm currently aimed for medieval style hats and the hats that aren't screaming "I'M NOT MEDIEVAL!"
    The Cortex Commander was an exception, because I'm a great fan of that game ^__^ Though, i'm a great fan of TF2 too...

    Also, I like Terminator and Star Wars, as well as the Simpsons. But Homer Simpson head is a bit over the top, and Storm trooper helmet is too datailed to make it small enough for this game. I mean, I made it, but I'm not quiet happy with its' look :/

    • Yellow engineer helmet - "The Safety Guarantor"

    • Yellow Engineer helmet with a lamp - "The Happy Miner"

    • Storm trooper (from Star Wars) - "The Clone"

    • A robot with a red eye - "Scary wink"

    Download them here:
    MaleHeads (2).png
    p.s. Next time someone will give me his brilliant ideas - give me something more original, than hats from world-famous movies and games.
    p.p.s. I believe that KAG team can make even better hats, if they want. Though, if our honorable game developers will share your opinion - I'm ready to take part in developing the visual part of the game, even just hats. ;)
    But, for some reason, I feel like they wouldn't need me, even if you guys think my hats are awesome... >.>
    illu, Zephon, zninja and 1 other person like this.
  8. Peelz

    Peelz Shipwright

    These are all amazing! If I were to suggest one head though, I'd say we need something piratey :skull:
    RaptorAnton likes this.
  9. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Why just one? ;)

    Lucky Deadman's Bandana

    Captain Pocket

    The Pirate Power

    Billy The Boatswain

    Eyepatched Ornithologist
    Polly wants a cracker!

    The Steel Captain
    just for lulz ;)

    Download here:
    MaleHeads (3).png
    Waiting for your replies and suggestions =)
    Parpoch, tlc2011, Zephon and 4 others like this.
  10. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    The best ones yet!
  11. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Omg. Keep em coming! :p
  12. Peelz

    Peelz Shipwright

    Holy crap that was fast!

    And oh... my... soiled... trousers. That one with the eyepatch and the PARROT just made my flippin' day!
  13. Zephon

    Zephon Shipwright

    I always wanted to get into making such pixels follow my lead (thinking of a civil war officer for kag), and i have my fair share of experience in designing User Interfaces, but I can't get a hold of this blocky art. Maybe, if you happen to have enough time to do it, you could lay out some standard rules to get started with it. Not a whole "How To" or Tutorial. Just general Tips or a canvas of needed tools. A start from where the learning can begin, :right: for people like me who admire what the game looks like, but can't handle it's bosom ;)

    Or did I miss something like that?
  14. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Thanks =)

    You guys give me a brilliant idea - I make it true. That's how it works! =)
    The idea with pirates was brilliant - I made them really fast and cool, enjoying every step of creation.
    I need people suggesting new ideas :3

    Thank you! ^__^
    Idea of a pet parrot just STRIKED MY HEAD all of sudden and I just made it! :D

    If you really had enough experience in working with just any kind of computer design(especially User Interfaces) - you must already know how to "handle these blocky things". If I'd try to give you some tips - it would look like that:


    Because it's bloody simple. You take the file you need and modificate it the way you need. That's it, happy end! :D

    If that's too hard for you - just suggest your ideas here and I'll consider drawing them. =)

    p.s. a civil war officer isn't a good idea for modification. We need more medieval stuff. The best suggestions(and mods) I've seen so far - the Vikings and the Chinese. And civil wars are the kind of things that happened mostly after the guns were invented. Until the game will be scriptable - your mod would stay unnoticed and unneeded. Sorry.
    p.p.s. I'm not of that kind of guys who teach the young how to do this and that. I'm more of a "don't touch it and let the master do his job" guy ;)
    Noburu likes this.
  15. Zephon

    Zephon Shipwright

    I just thought it would be good to know how, for example, you lay out a head sprite for beginning to modify it. How I said, not a tutorial, because I could certainly figure some things out, but I simply never had experience with this kind of pixelry. Just a big bunch of blank space I have to fill and it seemed , that asking for a starting point, the experience of others, couldn't be bad (at first). But I'am very sorry for asking, master. ;)
  16. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    im enjoying these quite a bit keep them coming i hope to see more customization options in game.
  17. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Sadly, I'm not payed for that, so I'm doing these hats only when I'm bored and really feel like making something.

    Sup, I've made several hats recently.

    A Humble Farmer:

    Nikolay The Peasant

    And I've seen how you guys liked the parrot, so I made another pet. A pet hat! :D A pet rat!
    A Pet Rat Hat! :D

    And a little something for Dr.Who fans:
    Fezzes are cool

    Download it all here:
    MaleHeads (5).png
    As usually, I'm waiting for your comments and suggestions! :D
  18. TerryDactyl

    TerryDactyl KAG Guard Tester

    View attachment 2933
    Why drunk? Only a drunk wizard can not notice his beard being cut off,
    as well as forget all the spells and go fight as an ordinary human! :D

    As though there is any other kind!
  19. Annihilon

    Annihilon Shipwright

    A sprite of knight solaire of astora from dark souls would be amazing :D
    Boromir likes this.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Takes too much setup to happen without prep, look how long it took valve