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Wood & Water Build Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Heh, tunnelling under water is easy! :D
    1 fill up on wood.
    2. dive underwater.
    3. build a quarters at the starting point for your tunnel.
    4. dig out another 3x3 empty space.
    6. build another quarters in the newly dug space.
    7. repeat from step 4 until you run out of wood.
    8. get more wood etc! :P

    The theory is simple: Quarters heal you faster than you can drown, so as long as you have cash, you're safe. Unless you're always digging through dirt, you'll always have coins from mining stone. :)
    There's much more you can do to improve the process, but I'll leave that up to you. ;)
    Hint: try playing with ladders.
  2. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Go To Rayne's Water Fun time server
    then build Quarters in water..
  3. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    This is simply caused by putting walling behind a bridge thats allready placed, which is perfectly reasonable, its a glitch that just needs to be fixed, some people may not even do it on purpose.

    As awsome as it is, healing underwater should also be fixed, unless its on purpose, then its perfectly ok, as it does help give more fun, and is easily counted by archers as long as they dont let it slide. Makes for some interesting underwater play:D
  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    the glitch comes from breaking it to make dirt background, voiding the support mechanic in the process.
  5. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    Yes, but that can be caused by an enemy builder breaking it as well, they may not even know they set up the problem, but it happens when its being broken.
  6. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it voids the support mechanic, and most pubs will abuse that.

    just saiyan.
    SARGRA13 and FlameHaze3 like this.
  7. Harold7

    Harold7 Arsonist

    Today I saw bouncing bombs is it moding or not?
    </br>--- merged: Jun 9, 2012 11:24 AM ---</br>
    or glitch?
  8. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    bombs skip, yes, it's a feature
    Harold7 likes this.
  9. Harold7

    Harold7 Arsonist

    does the same thing happen to kegs?
  10. ockpii

    ockpii Horde Gibber

    As a humble request, I'd like to ask for you to have the Hearts being on the HUD an option, because I find myself completely oblivious as to what my current health is. It isn't practical..
    Wixmef, Halosnake, Arcite and 3 others like this.
  11. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    There's many types of bows, look how easy to pull string in that bow, beacuse of it's construction.
    Bow in KAG is a normal one.
  12. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    It's just a joke, besides, the bow she's carry is normal as well.
  13. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Who knows, doubtful due to their deadline, but they might still work with water, if they randomly think of something new that may help it. I am still hoping, even though it wasn't mentioned, hoping for the ability to move water around in buckets, to at-least fill in holes you dig.

    I know people hated Terraria Water, and it'd cause it to lag, if it worked like it, but I still think water needs to sink, or raise, depending on what's in it, and the holes people are digging in it. I think there could be a way to experiment with it, and find that perfect medium, that will allow the people not to lag, and still have a bit better physics to it.

    Doesn't hurt to hope for more, and better changes. Also, I personally think we need wind. If they do in-fact add in boats, wind would allow boats to slowly move on big maps with a lot of water.

    Now, on to the slow moving feature in the water. From what I recall, you move the same throughout all of the water. It should be, the deeper you go, the slower you go, and as you move up, you get quicker. Maybe we can call it 'the water pressure' that is the reason for you going so slow at the bottom.

    Now, this last part is a joke. We need aquatic life. Fishes, and Sharks that attack us in water :p

    Just stating what I personally feel. I'm not arguing, and I will still play the game no matter what updates are/aren't added.

    Also, sorry, one other small, semi-joke of an idea. I think collapsed, rubbled up stone, should stay and not at all disappear. By that, I mean the small bits, not the stuff that piles up and you can step up. Well, that too, but only after you step on it. The idea, is to have someone who can somehow SWEEP that stuff away, so you can build there again. Then you push it into water, or a hole. Later, it can build up and make a rubble wall, or a bigger flooring for underwater.
  14. Harold7

    Harold7 Arsonist

    is this a glitch i was carrying a keg an archer shot me the keg exploded?
  15. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    No, kegs explode when shot. They have to hit the keg though, not you.
  16. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Though I think kegs are a little overly volatile at the moment. If you fall on them the wrong way they'll explode. I'm hoping in the near future you'll only be able to ignite kegs with fire arrows.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  17. hexalslug

    hexalslug Bison Rider

    Wouldn't it be more logical to have some kind of fire-starting device to light both fire arrows and kegs?
  18. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Logical? Yeah, but it's not really the most intuitive way to go about things in a game like KAG where simplicity is important. It would be better for gameplay to just have a fire arrow shop and change between different types of arrows using the default block selection key "F". You don't want people to get "free" fire arrows from getting a lighter either.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Riletyface like this.
  19. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Unless the quarters are similar to the ones at mole server.
  20. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    Using a tunnel underwater makes things easier, as long as people are abusing it t0 add on, and make an underwater biodome.