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Wood & Water Build Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Archers are gay, ruin combat, screw up frontline builder advancements and enforce turtling, they deserve all the nerfs.
    AJ, GloriousToast, Dark_Ham and 8 others like this.
  2. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    It's funny how you said it without regarding the idea that wood enforced turtling at a large scale compared to archers. A few months ago, people were implying that offensive combat lacked power and now you're putting a class down by forcing it in a defensive level which is punishable as well. Might aswell remove the class from the game and call it (KAG) Knights and Gold.

    Personally I don't feel like being professional arguing with you since I read the first few part of your short pathetic sentence. This build is gypsy's abortion. *Done*
  3. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Wooden blocks that can be broken by knights and builders and can be quickly destroyed by bombs and catapults enforce turtling?

    You're ranting about how you can no longer play as a solo archer and rape everything, this nerf is forcing archers to play as more as a support role to the knights, making them less powerful in groups, because all us regular knight players know how stupidly overpowered a team gets when they stack 4-7 archers at one spot. [edit - those battle builders should know too]
    AJ, Dark_Ham and potatomcwhiskey like this.
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I agree with Boxpipe and perversely I also agree with Spoolooni (except for the condescending personal attack).

    Archer is bad for the game in general for all the reasons Boxpipe said, but at the same time it needs to be balanced in a way that doesn't leave it completely unfun to play.

    Archer definitely needed a nerf at close range, but I don't think to this extent. This also doesn't adress the biggest issue concerning the archer class, en masse at long range in a tower in CTF.

    I agree that the archer shouldn't usurp the knight's niche of close range combat, but I don't think it should be useless there, and it certainly shouldn't be only a support class.
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    ***A NOTE TO ALL: Play nice or there will be consequences!***

    Spoolooni (and anyone else, for that matter), you can voice your opinion about the update/others' opinions/etc. but if you flame I will have your head--this thread is not turning into another hatefest.

    Consider this a formal warning. :>:(:
  6. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Essentially you're just mad that the unbalanced class was rebalanced. A builder should massacre you in cqc. It was retarded the way it was before. Archers are still insanely effective.


    Stop raging so hard. I agree that the tie breaker mechanic not working is a little silly, but its an issue that will be fixed at some point I imagine. A fix could be to have the very two top layers of tiles at the top of the map be unbuildable, no more black space bridges and the tie breaker works.

    Going below a certain point and drowning is a good thing. Helps prevent tent to tent tunnels. The shallowness of maps isn't down to the update, its a failure of the map itself. Maps need to be remade to cater to this update.

    Everyone needs to calm the fuck down about this update. The mechanics of water are still being worked on. This was probably released because it was relatively stable and fun, its obviously a work in progress. The water game mode is an optional setting that a server admin can choose. You're all acting like this is being shoved out and never worked on again. If you have suggestions for improvement, take them to the suggestion forum or report a bug. Stop bitching about an obviously under-developement feature that was most likely released so you could play around with it and have fun (fancy that). The new water addition obviously has some kinks, some of which were known before its release. Just enjoy it for what it is.
  7. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Wooden blocks being an abundance as opposed to stone makes turtling a lot more cheaper and efficient as opposed of stone blocks that are now scarce. Even so, when you turtle in an enemy tower.

    It appears you' are implying an action towards nerfing archers in both lone and group situations making them nonetheless the contemporary design of a team? That's just stupid, since archers spent a large factor of their time camping in towers rather than forwarding with other knights and builders while punishing them for failing to take out turtling archers.
    </br>--- merged: Jun 7, 2012 1:56 AM ---</br>
    In short, it's alright for an archer to fail at cqc while a builder being a builder, carrying a toolbox can swing his work tool around and massacre a class with an offensive weapon?

    No logic here.
  8. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Of course the defending team should have an advantage, why would you buff archers to take out turtle archers when those exact same turtle archers also get the buff, the only thing they are getting better against is the other classes.

    They were reaching a point where archers no longer required the aid of builders or knights, since they can climb walls with arrows, and two sync'd archers and bring down any shielding knight.
  9. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

  10. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Ugh.. My feet are submerged in water! My... One... Weakness...

    AJ, superpokes, GloriousToast and 6 others like this.
  11. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    You make it sound as if archers were the absolute god tier class. Archers always needed builders and knights before the nerf. They were excellent in unreachable areas built by builders and almost invincible behind the shield of the knight.

    As for your claims on turtling archers being more powerful than offensive archers- Yes, in short, I agree with you. However, before the nerf, archers on ground were able to distract archers in towers and catapult nests from hurting the offensive team with a 4 second charge interval. Now the charge rate has increased a mere second hindering the steady shot process by a landslide. If you thought shooting an entrenched archer was easy, I'd feel rather rustled as it took a lot of trial and error, calculations with the need of learning their positions before firing an arrow.
  12. Kershockr

    Kershockr Catapult Fodder

    There is a way to get infinite wood in the latest game. all you need is 3 wood to start (I think).
    1 .Place wood backwall
    2. Hit wood wall once, then place ladder
    3. Destroy ladder and gain 1 extra wood
    4. Repeat for infinite wood
    5. ???
    6. Profit!
  13. Wolftrait

    Wolftrait Builder Stabber

    oh man oh man oh man!
    Went to give KAG a run and saw the updates downloading!!!
  14. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Here, how about this. Hows about we all try out the rebalanced archer for a month. And then we'll give our verdicts. Is that fair?
    AJ, GloriousToast, FlameHaze3 and 5 others like this.
  15. Ghozt

    Ghozt Haxor

    I haven't had any problems, I played this morning for an hour and I had a ball playing around with water.

    First thing I need to do is make some water specific maps.

    I also played with FLAB and MM. MM is a man of many words.
  16. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    We try out and test out the new "archer re-balance" are you kidding me? You mention the word fair in there too which is really annoying. The new background color for dirt is way too bright and playful to be dirt. It's so colorful to look at in fact that it draws attention away from the game. The archer nerf is just one of many which forms a small pile thus far. Most of you people who love control are absolutely enjoying a bais game where only YOU win each game. The water is more deadly then the actual combat related content which is making me uheuhehueuhe right now. The item interface looks like someone pasted it from zelda onto the game and just agreed with it. The wood is cloned directly from the pokemon gameboy games which is funny. Everytime i see the information about the next update i don't consider it an update anymore. When i see the next update i just see more problems, conflict and bugs. Honestly, i would like a refund at this point.:no:
    Spoolooni and Beelzebub like this.
  17. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    As cool as it is to make something and say, "We did it," it's even better to make something and be able to say "We did it, it works, and people like it."
    Spoolooni likes this.
  18. Archalieus

    Archalieus Builder Stabber

    I've been playing KAG since February this year, and with each successive update, i've felt that the knights and archers' gameplay have declined an incredible amount. With the most recent updates, i'm unable to play Knight at all, which was the main drawing point of the game when I first watched the video. As I played, I watched my favorite bombs get nerfed, my slashes turn from unpredictable to unusable, and my shield turn from barrier to a deathtrap. Funnily enough, I also switched to Archer after those updates (hey, there's two other classes in KAG, right?), and became quite competent at it. I eventually ended up liking Archer much more, due to the fact that Archers were more mobile and more reliable with arrows. I actually could reliably kill people at range, and whiff kills only due to my mistake, and not to a bug or excessive lag. Now, with this most recent update, all I see is another Archer nerf, and Knights getting buggier and buggier. I can't fire arrows out fast enough to save myself from a nearly dead Knight, or 2 quick arrows straight down a wall. With how servers limit starting resources, i'm damned by the lack of materials for a good Archer tower, much less a defensive wall. I try playing knight and get turned to a fine paste on the floor because another knight jumped on top of me from a ledge 3 blocks above. I might see what happens with the next update, but this one is another nail in the coffin. I would like a refund as well if things continue this way.
  19. Sarmane

    Sarmane Go Tau'va yourself San Diego. Donator

    you. da. man! agree with you all the way, giving the devs the A-OK on this as its a server to server choice, water is still in progress as you say, attempts to re balance the archer combat (doesn't have to stay this way either if players are completely against it), knight combat has shield bashing again reintroduced, plus fucking wood buildings! :D
    potatomcwhiskey likes this.
  20. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    Your post is going to cause a shitstorm.
    I'm going to only respond to the visual area. The dirt is a bit odd but that can be edited with no problem and already has (see modding section) also I don't see the resemblance between KAGs wood and the Pkmn GB games (link pls). As for bugs, bugs are common for games that haven't even been released with a small indie team.

    Not trying to mini mod here but can the admins actually do something when people start replying to Hoj with offtopic shit about how great they think the game is and how much they hate him because he dislikes some of it. This got way out of hand last time with Noc's comments about what he disliked. Good post were deleted in the crossfire also Noc got more hate then he deserved because some faggots just felt the need to tell us why they think the game is so great then insult him for several post that had nothing to do with the topic.