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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    On the battlefield, both Reds and Blues are in a struggle to senselessly kill each other and collect gold for the same king. But in the Pubb, they come together as brothers, regardless of class and team, to do nothing more than drink and be merry.

    (Talk about the last game of KAG you played, there isn't a thread for this yet)
  2. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    My last game was glitchy and all I saw was the empty blue sky D: Other then that it was fun. It was J4son's server with 48 players. Large games are my favorite. I was high-rolling with a 20 kill-streak before I died then I just gave up on K/D.
  3. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    We made a tower
    Then we had a fireworks display to celebrate our glorious victory over the blue menace and the formation of our new fortress composed entirely of knights. It was great.
  4. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    That was fun :D my KD sucked though
  5. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    In my last tennis match I came late and red base was a mountain and everything forward as far as I could see was a spiky pit filled with knights of all creed and colour. I ventured down but there were no trees to cut down and no enemy archers to loot. I eventually got ganked by a knight Commando lunge. I sat and spammed from the tent for a bit, and other archers joined in. We got like 6 or so guys spamming. it didn't do much as the enemy knights stayed in caverns. Allied workers kept collapsing stuff and dropping rocks on my head. I said hi to Eggnogg and then left.
  6. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    So apparently, not many people know you can chuck bombs back at other knights, regardless of your class. It's always fun to teach people new things while you're in-game.
    Dask likes this.
  7. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    I knew that but never even tried it, what key is it? I assume F
  8. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    E is the global pickup key
  9. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Guest

    I've always known this, but put used it in the most entertaining way. I was an archer, and used and climbed an enemy wall using my arrows. A friendly knight was below, unable to scale the wall. He pulled out a bomb and tried lobbing it over, failing, and the bomb clattering to my feet. What do I do? Pick up the bomb and lob it a bit further, killing a knight :D .
    Ozminer likes this.
  10. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I got mad at a guy for tunneling, so the only logical solution was to also tunnel.

    Had a discussion with Snoop about how tunneling is annoying, I told him I stayed as close to the surface as possible so I could distract his team while mine tore down their walls, but really it's just late and I didn't feel like going lower (or dealing with the impending bedrock wall!!!)
  11. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Guest

    I was happy with my team for mostly ignoring your tunneling. I stand by my opinion that lone engineers underground rarely cause trouble as long as they are watched and, if eventually necessary, counter-mined, but no need to do it right away.
  12. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    I absolutely love finding people that feel the need to dig massive tunnels, Cause i dig to their tunnel, then i kill the guy, Fill the place with as much doors as time allows and start showing teammates the entrance.
  13. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Sorry gentlemen excuse me while I flex

    dinotree, Piano, Zeigy and 5 others like this.
  14. Swaggernuts

    Swaggernuts Guest

    I feel like you must have raged just a teeny bit today xD... Btw thats me flexing there.. Yea, im just that sexy.


    I also just noticed, my avatar is entombed (IGNORE THE DOOR!)...... Hmmm..
  15. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Had a game with vig, was going well till the server crashed -_-. Rejoined and vig was not on my team that time, so I was a bit worried. Carver joined later on. We pushed quite far till we got to a stalemate. Got a pretty decent score of 77 kills 44 deaths, but the server crashed soon after -_-.
  16. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Played a game with Sedge. People kept on screaming for a kick when he was the only reason we didn't lose.

    They tunneled under half the map, nobody had the sense to actually check and see if he was telling the truth, me and some guys helped him destroy the outpost that was directly under our base and patch up the tunnel.

    Left after that, got bored.
  17. miaow

    miaow Guest

    I just played a small scale 5v5 (most of the time) match with a huge crater in the middle and an outpost on each side. There were so many arrows and killings and eventually glorious blue won through, only to be defeated before capturing the flag. I did however destroy the entire red base. Blue eventually won through again at a low point in red recruitment numbers, 4v1 (the 1 was vig :P) and I got the flag :D Lots of fun
  18. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    So I just left KAG because I was at the point where I wanted to punch something. A little bit of latency here and there, some builders running through me and me not being able to catch them for the life of me.. Jesus. Not my best game, but it did show up a lot of what needs fixing.

    The first game I played was actually really cohesive, lots of teamwork and strategic outpost placement; it's a shame the second one went so poorly (enjoyment wise).

    Good to see a few people I knew in game and doing well.
  19. Gumball135

    Gumball135 Guest

    I've been getting great use out of 2 wide pit traps. Make them fairly deep, put 4 spikes at the bottom and fill up all of the leftover space with trapdoors. I stole the design from someone else, but if you position them correctly (as in, right next to a wall) and have them defended by a team-mate or two, they'll always catch out a few enemies. In tunnels, they're especially effective in front of doors. I might post a few pictures of them later.

    EDIT: Oh, they're already in the useful builds thread.
    EDIT2: Nice picture Sani, captures some in-game situations really well :P Particularly annoying when a builder runs into a dead end, jumps past you to get out and then blocks you in.
  20. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You were on the wrong team for cohesive teamwork.
    Us reds were working together very well and managed to hang on (in spite of most of the map being dominated already) for another couple of hours (and could still be going as far as I know - I had to leave).

    It was good to see you in game though :)