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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Fantastic clan match just took place. It was great. :D
  2. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yeah, pity the other team could stop whining for 5 minutes and gave up and left rather than playing till the end -_-
  3. MrKaputtnik

    MrKaputtnik Shopkeep Stealer

    Stop doing that, you complained on the first server. You didn't even want to start the match. And nobody 'whined', except your clan about us. We held the battlefield 2 hours and had the best K/D, we just couldn't win because our whole team had a ping of 200 and yours about 100.
  4. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    Like when you post it you will get attention here shad...

    The match was a draw after 2 and a half houre playing, including aswell a 15 minute DRAW timer.

    It ended as draw and just cauze you cant accept that some people will decide a draw after 2 and a half houre of 1 map WITH ONLY 3 PEOPLES.... which made it impossible for anyone to come over mid, then i dont know, but then you shouldnt be a Moderator.
  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    The whole game was pretty much a stalemate the whole way through, yes. The game moved back and forth across the same areas over and over again.
    However, whilst the game wasn't pushed into our territory, SK whined the whole time (about EVERYTHING, but particularly lag, despite how most of our team was lagging too - literally all I ever saw was SK folks teleporting around).
    And if it wasn't whining, it was yelling abuse and generally being arrogant/immature.
    When they pushed into our territory this stopped... Until we pushed them back again.
    Eventually we were a man down and they were really hammering us but were ridiculous pains in the ass in chat. So we *almost* quit but they insisted that if we did, we would be forfeiting the match. So we persisted.
    Later on... They decided that 'in 30 mins we will have a draw'.
    We told them that we didn't agree to this.
    30 mins came and they said that yeah, it was a draw whether we agree or not. We argued that we have to agree to a draw, so if they leave then by their own logic they would be forfeiting. For that, we get more verbal abuse - particularly about how immature we are.
    All in all, it wasn't anywhere near as much fun as it could have been.
    Froghead48 likes this.
  6. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    .... What do you think? Seriously?

    We suggested a draw much earlier allready.... after 1 houre and 30 min when we firstly suggested this, did we decide do make a draw, cauze all what you was gone do was waiting on that we leave, it was for both side a stalement, and just cauze you dont wanna stop fight on a 1 houre and 30 min proofed stalement situation... its not a loose. It's a draw get this in your head finally man, aside that... our scores was way better then your guys scores was - our ping was only for aung on 133 and for all other 200-240.... while you had 3 with 66 and one with 130.... well i dont need to complain like you do, or search for attention and all that crap... its a draw say whatever else you wanna i can care less.

    Aaaaand, first did YB players leave - which did break the 5o5.
    So if you wanna say someone lost, then you could tell that to your clanys...

    Aswell, whine? want to see the chatlogs? both clans wasnt that nice... the whole match wasnt in any form near fun, it was boring and lame, and this for the whole match.

    I wouldnt do a clanwar again against YB, not cauze theyr good, not cauze theyr bad, just cauze when someone after 2 houres and 30 minutes cant say its a draw...then yeah...

    Here the end screen btw : Me and aung staying in mid (you can see in minimap) and that was after 2 houres 30mins

  7. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    The first player to leave was from YB, but we kept going at 4v5. That's our loss.

    The game was fun.

    The map was fine.

    Stop whining in here too.
  8. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Wow, in that screen Loki posted YB could of just sniped Loki and Aung and charged over...
  9. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester


    There's a server there with a mod that lets you have INFINIBOMBS.
    illu likes this.
  10. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    So I guess the super awesome story about the YB & SK match didn't happen? Or no one wants to have good old story time and write it in prose? :(
  11. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well it did happen.
  12. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    But it wasn't the super awesome story I was excited for it to be?
  13. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    No I guess not.
  14. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Well it happened, first inter-clan battle... wooh I guess. Sigh y'all all sound so very depressed.
  15. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    I thought it was fun..
  16. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    I like your enthusiasm dwat :D
  17. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    It could've been fun, some stuff which didnt let it come true -

    EU/US players shouldnt play versus each - cauze always some team has the ping disadvantage.(YB on shads server cauze they were 3/5 us, SK on dwats server cauze we were 3/5 eu)
    Everything near ping 200 (180-240) is too much infact, especially when theres only 6 people on the server....

    The Server should be hosted by a neutral serverowner.

    The minimum numbers of players should be a 10 o 10 - else it ends like that shit with us.

    Maps should be generated always BUT i would appreciate a clanwar generator config which can generate half map - then mirror it, so theres no map disadvantages. (or just generated maps which are manually mirrored)

    Specific rules about a draw timer or any other similar stuff should be created for overall(clans<-). I mean srsly, 2 a half houres and in mid since the match lasted - thats obvious a situation for a draw timer.

    (Not sure if thats all, might forgot something)

    Atleast the match made a good job to point out isses/problems, which will help in future clan battles maybe.
  18. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Someone needs to sacrifice one for the community... move to Antarctica and make an official tournament server... everyone will be about the same ping.
    Neat likes this.
  19. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Czubai actually drew up some clan battle rules in the YB private thread, maybe the community can work together to make clan scrim rules.
  20. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    All maps symmetric mirrors.
    Server has near equal ping for both sides.
    No mod powers.
    Time limit on match.
    Have impartial mods on both sides to judge any unfair play.
    No rude or hateful comments. (jokes are ok though)
    this could be a start but this wouldn't really be the right place to organize them.