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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    Oh, no. But i use print-screen. Better for me. But thanks :) I use it :)
  2. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Just play on Noburu's server and me and another player(shall stay nameless but is very good)were losing badly they had our flag my teammates was like "wtf" and quit.And i made a comeback and won 1v3.It was fun.
  3. Joekirk

    Joekirk Shipwright

    Basically, to sum up my last match:
    screen-11-11-14-22-38-06.png screen-11-11-14-22-41-54.png
    Gold. all day erryday.
    Also foolish map maker thinking bedrock will protect that delicious, delicious golden text.
  4. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    Joekirk : Good trolling enemies :D You use bombs as knight?
    I see only one dead guy, what fighting with enemies. I have screen how is he dead and still is he moving.

    (Sorry for my English :D)
  5. Joekirk

    Joekirk Shipwright

    Yes, it only took 6-7 bombs to break through. And even if you couldn't get a knight with bombs down there, there's a gold deposit just outside the bedrock!
  6. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Um were do i start.We had 6 builders all making pits at base which had enemies IN IT and we knights were left to get over the enemies 500 1 by 6 walls and then 4 by 6 walls.Please builders try to at least builder ladders over walls instead of making pits that kill us more than them:(.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  7. SonofSkz

    SonofSkz Shipwright

    On Sunday I had great game with archer, we'd routed the reds and only one enemy left on the map following a knight wave through to their base, i'm spamming rocks from a cata. i notice arrows coming out of a tree in front of me, a knight hops on to the cata so i aim and let loose. knocked the archer out of the tree with a knight. it was a good game. Also we managed to defeat a speed hacker by the name of VX by archer spamming him and when he tried to come get us he fell in a spike pit. it was a good day all in all.
  8. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    Here is he. Look as dead, but he is much live :D
  9. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    4v4 CTF. Everyone on my team had like 0.3 k/d besides me. I spent 5mins getting resources prepping for the final showdown. I needed to kill 6 of them to secure victory; easily possible now that I actually have a useful base, quarters and coins for 10 bombs. I eagerly await for them to get past our previously only structure - a giant tower. Just as they are about to storm into the place to meet my bombs - a cata shot right next to me. A tiny pebble kicked off from the ground where the cata hit. it killed me from full health. I RAGED. Fuck Catas are OVERPOWERED
  10. Rathlas

    Rathlas Shipwright

    Last match I played involved me and a few mates making a massive pit and filling it full of trap bridges ;) It was hard to see where you could go cause everything was complete blackness :P
  11. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    This traps i hate, but i love it, if is my team :P I am raged, if i fall and canĀ“t go to enemies :D
  12. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Foxodi, that reminds me. Do you guys think catapult stones should do damage based on velocity, like arrows? It would balance it all quite a bit.
  13. checkmate

    checkmate Shopkeep Stealer

    I agreed. Speed = power. But stones is stones and sharp arrow is sharp arrow. Choose it :) i think is arrow better in this changing.
  14. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Yeah, but velocity is velocity. I think it would make sense to apply to all projectiles.
  15. Joekirk

    Joekirk Shipwright

    Basically I join late, decide to go archer to maybe pick off a few of the enemy before we lose, cut to a few minutes later and neither team has any units left, I'm the only one left alive on mine, I take out almost the entire enemy team save for one guy. Then I went down with a well placed bomb by Gutakis. That was some intense shit right there.
    Jackal likes this.
  16. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Same thing happened to me, alas on a quite smaller scale. and I had a single knight to back me up. they where trying to knock on our half broken door (which i shot through each time they took a swing.) and dig underneath and around behind. Me and my buddy knight stood back to back and held them of for a good while before they got to us.
  17. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I had the most epic match with Carver and Strat. We were like 5 vs 20 but we eventually got it down to us 3 vs 6. Strat did a heroic collapse and killed 3 knights at once but got sniped by Kagesha. Carver avenged Strathos and another of their knights fell to a cata shot. The remaining red camped in their impressive castle. Carver and I assaulted it, hm tree climbing, me bomb jumping. I superhero jumped (double bomb jump) over the last wall into their base but I jumped farther than I anticipated and Carver rushed in to help me. He got cut down but that gave me enough time to grab the flag. I dodged the enemy's bomb and used the explosion to jump out. He pursued me frantically and I stabbed him to death with ease. I skipped away with the flag and lived happily every after.
    Eggnogg, Strathos, Jackal and 3 others like this.
  18. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    I 6+ slash killed down a tunnel and have a dot in the middle of my right eye.Its annoying.:(
    Eggnogg and Jackal like this.
  19. Thiel

    Thiel KAG Guard Tester

    Okay, so yes, this is indeed a story about my last game. And I might be just silly for posting this, but I felt like this game was really worth sharing.

    Server: Incarnum CTF
    Players online: 64 (full)
    Mapstyle: hill-ish.
    Map size: 150x1000

    DON'T WORRY, it's a screenshot story. No wall of text for you! It's weekend afterall.

    So, this is what the battlefield kinda looked like. This was blue's castle.

    Because the blue team had their outpost pretty high ontop of a hill+castle, they had no way of seeing this tunnel.
    (note: The picture of the tunnel was taken later, I had no idea of the course of events when we took the flag).

    So we continued the tunnel all the way trough to the back of their base, breaching it easily since it was hardly protected by traps from the back. Their units spawned way in front, at the OP. We ran back to our base slowly picking up more teammates as we went, we didn't get much resistance other than some stray knights, which was odd.

    With the unit counter in mind, I was already cheering upon this victory. When we came close to our base I witnessed this, I automaticly thought it was griefing because hey, that's the most likely thing that happend! (Altho there are signs that this was defnitly not the case, can you point them out? :D) (Again, the order in which I took the screenshots are not in a chronologic order).


    After seeing how my main tower that protected the base was completely fine, I was even more sure of that the broken structures were victims of griefing. I congratulated my team, and the other team for the fight they put up. And jumped down into the tent, expecting a victory. However this was not the case. "They took durr flagg"


    So here I was, waiting for at least 275 units to die. I could not thrust the flag with anyone who was not able to fight, and I could not thrust myself fighting with the flag. I had to wait it out untill my team took out their flag carrier, or the whole team with it.

    BUT. What I still don't understand is how team blue obtained our flag?! The main structure was completely fine and unharmed, there were about 15 doors, all of them still intact, and there was no way they could use builders to get trough, and still manage to delete every trail. There were also no tunnels, none! I asked team blue vigorously, but to no avail.

    This might be off-topic to ask, but posting this thing in a seperate topic is also kinda "spam" because it's meant to go in here. If it's still considered off-topic to reply as to how team blue got our flag, just PM me it!
    Eggnogg, Jackal and Beef like this.
  20. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    So it was down to the wire, my team had all suicide rushed into the enemy and I was alone. They had their full team and an extra 10 lives. I was One Knight. One Catapult. One Hill. And a lot of ammunition.

    Contrary stars in STONE COLD FURY.

    (spoiler: i killed everyone
    spoiler: catapults are massively overpowered)
    AJ, Fellere825 and Jackal like this.