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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    I finally managed to find several servers that did not lag all to hell for me. managed to kill five gits with a bomb on a skybridge.. it was so beautiful.. then it hit me. I forgot to screencap it... how the heck should i be able to anticipate when these things happen?
    Jackal likes this.
  2. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    I always forget to screen cap. Once I killed all of Red team simultaneously (that was +8, seeing as it was a filled 16-player server) by killing them off around their outpost, stealing said outpost, throwing it down a deep and narrows spike pit and dropping a bomb. I got eight kills' and an outpost's worth of coins. It was quite hilarious!
    Wonkyth likes this.
  3. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Had a match yesterday in which a squad of knights snuck through the enemies tunnels and used them to infiltrate their forward defenses from behind.


    They had a total of four outposts and were working on another. We had some fun spawnkilling them for a bit, and that bomb shop of theirs was a big help.



    Our team was given a huge advantage by this; the blues completely retreated, but somehow our team still squandered their lives.

    So, despite that spree of brilliance by us ninja knights, our team still lost during the sudden death round.
    BlueLuigi, Fellere825 and Neat like this.
  4. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Again no screencaps, im only human.

    Today i experienced how it feels like to be a pingpong ball... because damn i got stun knocked around like one! Didnt like it at all. Did better as a builder though... at the end of the match i had so much gold i decided to have a yard sale on bombs for my fellow knights.

  5. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    Got utterly destroyed and dominated by Mr Eggnoggs just now on AOE server :(
  6. Pizza

    Pizza Ballista Bolt Thrower

    My last match lasted 1 minute, after that i realized that i was still downloading so the game was too laggy. Fail me. :D
  7. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Trying out this screen recording thing so I popped off into KAG for a quick game. How's the quality?

    Monsteri and Eggnogg like this.
  8. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Really good video quality every name was visible.
  9. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Holy crap, nice capture Contrary.
  10. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Thanks Eggnogg! I admire your capture stories as well.

    Carver had just died after a respectable streak; I was left alone... With a bomb workshop and a tonne of coins.
    Monsteri, BlueLuigi, Stevedog and 2 others like this.
  11. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Haha, once again nice going. I have another capture story for you, riiiiightt.... OH RIGHT HERE :O

    My last couple games on Foxodi's CTF server:
    I had what I think was the shortest game I've ever played. I had one of the best teams one could hope for. Every member of our team stormed the enemy fort once the game began, and we broke through their measly and unprepared defenses is mere seconds. Within about 45 seconds of the game starting, the enemy flag was well on its way back to our tent.

    Back at the tent we changed to knights and celebrated our swift victory.

    During the next map teams were more fair, but I managed to get 5 bomb kills in rapid succession. 3 on 3 builders digging, with my own bomb, and 2 on 2 knights from throwing back their cooked bomb :D
    Contrary likes this.
  12. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Hrm I need to start doing this kind of stuff. Two things:
    1. Sani I like you SBAHJ inspired art, it's fun.
    2. Contrary -- cool song :)
  13. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    OK last one for the day

    I talk at the beginning; but don't worry I shut up quickly.
    Valkyrie and Zegovia like this.
  14. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    Im humbled by your impressive display of knightsmanship....

    (And the song is strangley alluring too.)
    Valkyrie likes this.
  15. xChapx

    xChapx Ballista Bolt Thrower

    some images of me playing in a experimental server
    Beef likes this.
  16. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester


    With the aid of my catapult and another knight I smashed through their base and grabbed the flag. There wasn't a way back so I chucked it up on the hill and decided to kill time... By killing enemies.
    Eggnogg and xChapx like this.
  17. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Excellently executed superhero at the end there.
    Valkyrie and xChapx like this.
  18. xChapx

    xChapx Ballista Bolt Thrower

    this are some pics of the last war i have been in
    [​IMG]she/he was owning all the red team
    [​IMG]the underground battle
    [​IMG] we where losing the battle
    [​IMG]but we ninja stealed the flag
    i haved a lot of fun on this server.
    Valkyrie and Beef like this.
  19. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester


    I did a commentary for this one, but I chickened out and put Florence on instead.
    Valkyrie likes this.
  20. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    I wish there was a way to make a screenshot of the entire map.. so you can do a before and after comparison.. to see how much destruction have been wrought on it.