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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Grey-hat hackers are indeed hackers, but I didn't know that the policy was such. Thank you for informing me.
  2. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    No problem.
  3. Fetzi

    Fetzi Catapult Fodder

    Anyone else getting fed up with team mates? I seriously believe that 90% of the players have no idea that the objective is to capture the flag. On several occasions I have been building pretty sweet backdoor tunnels... no one helps me though, even after calling for help. not a single player would help. Its getting very frustrating to the point that I might not purchase the game, are players always going to stay this dumb?

    Also I see ground doors, stacked doors, double doors, spikes on bridges, multiple bridges and spike rows, spikes on dirt, etc in every single game. The sheer stupidity I encounter during my game play is mind boggling.
    Stupid Players also tend to ignore all advice. I ultimately think this game could be 100x more fun if noobs were forced to play a tutorial.

    Don't even get me started on griefers, they are subhuman scum in my eyes, but what makes me lose faith in humans in general is that ive seen griefers grief multiple towers before being kicked.


    edit: corrected some horrible spelling
    Jackal likes this.
  4. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    <tone="Experienced veteran"> Well son, it wasn't always this way. Long ago, when I was a young man myself, wars were fought on the ground! We didn't have these confounded skybridge-a-madoodles or towers that reached the sky. Oh no! We had mighty castles! Battles were fought through the grit, blood and sweat of a hard-fighting soldier! Would you believe me if I told you that builders once used ladders as a means of vertical travel? Yes, that's right! We had to actually protect our buildings through the employment of logic and understanding of enemy tactics!

    But one day, all Hell broke loose. That's the day the bridges came; egad, I shudder at the memory! No longer did we build phalanxes of stone--much the opposite, I say! People became madmen! They thought that the closer to the heavens they reached in their flimsy towers, the more power God would bestow them. It was the nuttiest thing I'd seen in all my days on the battlefields! The worst part, however, is this: they became widely accepted! That's right! And now fast-forward to today. Would you believe me if I told you that long ago, skybridges were considered a form of griefing? That people who dug spike pits were condemned?

    Boy, I feel bad for your generation. You may never have the privilege of seeing such glorious battles. </tone>

    tur1sta, Adinxs, Chinizz and 4 others like this.
  5. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    This may just be the most epic thing on this thread.

    Best part is, i was around during that time. Was my very first days in King Arthur's Gold.

    Then came the skybridges and the slash-attack update and the whole world went to hell.

    BUUUUUT, as a reward for persevering through all that shit, i'm wearing a tophat.
    Jackal likes this.
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    That's just the thing, buying the full game may be the only way past this problem. Premium server games are MUCH more involved than just who can get their skybridge/tunnel done first. Teams actually work together, employing strategies and proper tactics. Towers are USEFUL and not just giant stone blocks meant to slow the enemy down... No! They not only stop the enemy, but also make the enemies easier to fight! They make towers easily repaired! Ground based fighting is MUCH more common! Tunnels actually have (GASP) THOUGHT put into their design, and not just a long, empty tunnel from one end of the map to the other!
    tur1sta, Beef and Jackal like this.
  7. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    I have to disagree with you there. I've seen more tunnel and skybridge spam than ever in Rayne's Day and Night server. People only make those things because it's easy to do and effective. Until there's some way to better counter those tactics or outright remove them, then people will still do it.
  8. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    The few games I've played on the premium server have been a blast.
  9. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah those premium players are definitely smarter and more fun to play with. I agree that the tower design on those servers is really much better. I was surprised at how many skilled people were playing together at one time, but then again you only ever see about 10% premium players on regular servers on-average. I think Rayne's server may have made skybridging too easy due to builders starting with 25 stone on respawn.
  10. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, while I'm not a huge fan of skybridges, sometimes it IS effective if you're playing on a map that isn't like the flat ones you see in F2P servers. Flat, barren maps with skybridges are pointless. However, a skybridge to reach a high, floating platform is okay, especially if it's done well.
  11. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    I dunno, back when I started there was no such thing as a skybridge (I started playing during build 71). You couldn't build outward like that. Things collapsed. I remember a build once when ladders were able to be skybridged with, and the cost-effectiveness of said bridging called for a definite nerf. Hence ladders nowadays (which I really like). I actually started playing before slabs got big. Your average castle consisted of stone towers with ladders to go up, and large "audience chamber" rooms around the tent. It was cool how people actually double- or triple-walled things. Granted, there were a tonne of balancing issues, but they were not as severe as the ones nowadays.

    Skybridging will never have a place in my handbook of stratagems, and I will always wish that bridges be reverted to their old state (trying to go up or down through your own team's bridge would activate it as if an enemy had drawn near). Bases look like construction sites, and this build has made knight combat unbearable. The thing to remember is that if people are not having fun, MM and Geti will do their best to fix things.
    thebonesauce likes this.
  12. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    That was morphed into a form of griefing, Jackal.





    Got it in your head? Good.

    We will not talk about the dreaded GriefBridges build anymore.
    Jackal likes this.
  13. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Except for the fact that griefing is always and issue with anything exploitable as such, and changing one mechanic that would ultimately lead to the creation of a dozen more is rather illogical.





    Got it in your head? Good.

    NOW we will not talk about the older bridge mechanics. Truce?
  14. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Yeah, alright.
  15. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Back in MY day, you were kicked if you tried to kill another player. Not even kidding ya!
  16. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    I remember back when you could get someone vote-kicked if you didn't like them or for any other reason under the sun. :P
    tlc2011 likes this.
  17. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    I'm amazed.
  18. Jak_E

    Jak_E Haxor

    Back in MY day... Everything was as it is now pretty much except for the zombie update... I joined in February then bought about two weeks ago I think.
    Jackal and Beef like this.
  19. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Back in MY day you had infinite lives and bombs upon spawn!
    Damm hope it hasn't been milked so much already that I don't get any likes...
    tlc2011 and Jackal like this.
  20. Jackal

    Jackal Shark Slayer

    Yep, and the trees were all fat and blocky. Nobody could shield glide, everyone had the same head and knights could dig through stone. Man, such good times! :rollseyes:
    Jak_E likes this.