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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Last game made me rage as I was the only person attacking, 3 people minecrafting just building a gigantic castle. In the end loki just captured our flag and it was over. If those people hadn't been building on the main base all game we would have stood a chance. HATE MINECRAFTERS!!!
  2. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I'll give them some credit, though. Digging a giant pit in front of their base wasn't such a bad idea.

    I was against Neat, but I only got four hours of sleep last night so I didn't do so well. My niece was hitting me in the face with a brush this morning =~=
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    It wasn't such a bad idea no, but it would have been helpful if they were doing it when we were under attack. By doing all this defensive stuff without ever attacking they actually let the enemy get to them and set up an outpost. It's still counter-productive no matter how clever it is.
  4. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    They should've reinforced the wall directly in front of the tower so they could drop stones on us. Pretty much the only counter to that is to dig two blocks into the wall (or move out of the way, but when do they ever do that?)
  5. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Pretty fun game until douchebags kept on vote kicking our good players. I was building giant ass obstacles for the red team in the rear of our base. Our guys, I guess, thought it genius to undermine ourselves and not defend the tunnels. lol fun game. Played with Neat for the first time in a while. He thought I was a poser because I changed my name a while back :P
  6. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester


    Was good playing with you bro :P. So who won? Did we lose? :(
  7. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    We won of course :)
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Best match ever. Amazing epic team and I hate people who say the word "epic". Beautiful flawless teamwork. It was on Floating Islands on the Chikkin Shack server. I think Quimbo and illu were there.

    Here is a recap of the game, with some artistic embellishment:

    At the start I quickly made a bridge to the middle island. I build a wall and sat on it, lazily picking off enemies. I called for an outpost and within a minute it was there. The outpost builder notified the rest of the team and we had a squad up there fending off the invaders. In response the enemy tried to bridge their way to the middle island so I abused the outpost to bomb them repeatedly. I made some really inspirational throws, sniping key supports and exploding fleeing workers. We had some tunnelers coming up the base of the island but with some good knight work by my teammates they were stopped. Eventually the enemy got a catapult up and running and we had to abandon the base and flee to the underworld.

    The enemy began to expend all their forces reinforcing the top island, but in the mean time our entire team was busy underground. A few swift arrows from me and a lot of grunts and sword swings from my teammates and the enemy's presence there was obliterated. We set up an outpost under their base and began digging up. The teamwork was beautiful, there were six or seven workers all digging in unison with a knight or two escorting us. We crushed their minimal garrison and grabbed the flag with some workers staying behind and smoothing out the tunnel. We escaped in a mob, with another worker staying behind to block off any following enemies. Our proud and glorious return home began.

    Our flag carrier moved with a large escort, three to four workers building ladders and smashing obstacles. Another two to three knights and myself (an archer) brought up the rear. Confidently we began to dig our way back up into our base, but in the corner of my screen I saw an enemy worker jump down on to the base of the middle island, he was followed by a knight- holding our flag! I stopped in my tracks, as did another knight who saw the same. I opened fire on them, stunning the worker with a charged shot and forcing the knight to shield. My allied knight sprinted up the ladder to them and quickly cut the worker down. The two knights engaged in combat and was I able to quickly snipe the flag carrier. Our flag was safe, but I was still worried. How did they get out flag?

    Myself, the knight, and a second knight began to prowl the map floor, covering the digging party as even with multiple people it is a long dig. Several enemy knights fell down into our grasp and were quickly devoured in a storm of swords. Following that there was a period of silence; no enemies fell into our grasp, but we waited vigilantly. Our digging party reached our tent, and bombs began to be thrown in celebration. But there was a problem, and worried messages began to flood the chatbox. There! A clump of enemy knights fell like a handful of mud, and at their nucleus was our flag. Not only did they now out number us, but they were sprinting up the ladder. We didn't know if we could catch them. I winged the flag carrier and readied another arrow. Our knights began to fight theirs, but the flag carrier was already offscreen. I let fly an arrow.


    Then a red +1 appeared on my screen. A body fell plummeted on to the cold cavern floor and the flag followed, drifting lazily. Our enemies were engaged in battle, they fumbled and were not able to grab it in time. It bounced off an allied knight's head and teleported back to our base. Victory!

    Personally I finished the game with nearly 20 kills and no deaths, but that's irrelevant to how well the game went collectively. The server had to be restarted shortly after so I left.

    edit: I apologize for the clumsy prose.
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  9. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Oh god, yes, this was really awesome! Wow, you killed the efc. I was at base at that time still writing one big whining line because of the tragical loss of our lovely flag when all of a sudden it was back again floating strongely at our tent. I went on holding [Backspace] to finally smash my finger on the number [5]. Pure win!

    Yeah, that was me: :)
  10. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I hate that damn map, glad you were able to make the most of it, because once someone takes the top island it is off limits to the other team, they just infinitely block drop you and it's impossible to get up.
  11. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Actually it wasn't floating islands it was solomon something.

    Anyways, bad drawing incoming (I'm a Sani wannabe):

  12. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

  13. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    One game i started playing and then i thought how awesome it would be if bruce lee was there.
    He'd be red because: red = communist = China = Bruce Lee's homeland.
  14. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco (American) and raised in Hong Kong (During his lifetime under British control and therefore not communist)(Also the least-communist part of China)
  15. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    only connection I could make lol :)
    and I stand corrected
  16. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    In smaller games, I like to talk to Sedge and Goodie. I use exploits when I play, they use exploits to grief. Usually they have something to offer in those conversations. Though, I already know most of their exploits thanks to an hour in singleplayer :p

    Sometimes they have interesting things to say, though. I think they want me to help them grief, buuuuut it's just too much work.
  17. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    mm [at] thd.vg
    Mail him with those exploits.
  18. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    Yeah, seriously. If you find an exploit, use your brain and tell the devs. Also, if you can't do that, instead of posting to the forums, which the admins read, and getting yourself banned for exploiting, stay quiet. Lol.
  19. t0rchic

    t0rchic Drill Rusher

    You forgot me on there, Lol. Goes like this every match
    *greeted by friendly players*
    *play for about 15 minutes*
    *Beaver and/or goodies joins under another name*
    *votekick fail*
    *I Lol in the chat*
    *votekick fail*
    *I laugh*
    *votekick success*

    Beaver at his computer

    Anyways though, I think I'm starting to get some respect for the guy. Beaver is actually kinda smart, he's way too good at what he does. However, I don't like the constant votekick (you like upsetting 14 year old girls? :<), and Loki's my friend, so I don't respect you targeting him either >.<

    Also. 28:0 KD in 10 minutes of play as archer, sniping builders out of groups of knights. We get the flag and cap while I snipe the people chasing us. Best match ever.
  20. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    I don't post the exploits here. Why would someone post an exploit on the forum when the community is so crazy about griefers?