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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Heh. Trollish troll is a troll. :p:rollseyes:
  2. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Just pointing out my name is misspelled in the server description
    tlc2011 likes this.
  3. Got killed several times by kegs falling from sky, fun stuff!
  4. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    So I was trying to find an alternate download for KAG to play on my school laptop (cuz I forgot my fucking SD card that has KAG on it this morning :>:(:) and I ended up finding a download for build 123, I assume it is. Holy fucking shit, you guys complaining that the game isn't as good as the old builds... While I'm unsure of the combat and shit like that, I can tell you the overall game is a MILLION times better now than it was. This shit is like the wild west and seems buggy as fuck. It's interesting seeing KAG's history though!
  5. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    In the last few deathmatch rounds i have had, i have had a few combo kills
    ie. i kill an archer his/her arrow kills a knight
    i kill a knight his bomb flies off kills another knight/ archer, one time it almost happen a third kill.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Ever feel like smashing your face off of a corrugated steel roof? I did my last match.

    I was on Action Unlimited just a little while ago, on the red team... and we had like 7-8 players on each team. During the initial rush, I was able to build a small wall to hold off blue's knights, probably 2-3. Then came 2 builders. I'm still alone. Built a stone overhang. Waited two minutes. Still nobody. A lone knight comes along and jumps right into the knights and builders, attempting jabspam and killing himself almost immediately. I finally get killed because I can't fend off three knights and two builders alone. I respawn...

    ...only to find 5-6 builders minecrafting in the backfield. Literally ALL BUT ME AND THE ONE KNIGHT minecrafting in the fucking backfield.

    Are you fucking kidding me? It's one thing to be minecrafting during the build phase, or having one or two random builders minecrafting during a match... But FIVE OR SIX builders in a team of SEVEN OR EIGHT?!

    I have no more words.
    tlc2011, Piano, killatron46 and 4 others like this.
  7. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    King Arthur's Gold? Isn't it something like a 2d minecraft?
  8. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    No because there is no such thing called 2D Minecraft.
  9. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Chinizz likes this.
  10. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    Piano and rocker2 like this.
  11. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    You should be thanking him, the youtube homepage is goddamn hard to get to! What with having to go to google, typing in 'youtube', then clicking the link, it's a long and complex process:p
    tlc2011, Piano, Froghead48 and 3 others like this.
  12. lagiacruswhite

    lagiacruswhite Catapult Fodder

    copied from my thread, which is about some serious shit that happened to me.

    OK, so I went onto EU CTF and BOOM, the blue team HAS WAY MORE PLAYERS THAN THE REDS, and ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME GUY. I think he was called blaumesmurf! seriously the blue page in the scores took up all my screen and the battleground was just filled with identical builders! Then I suddenly disconnected
  13. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Had a pretty decent go at TDM.. a lot of unnecessary and stupid deaths though. It was up to 5v5 at one point, but people come and go.


  14. PumpkingSlice

    PumpkingSlice Base Burner

    So when will Rayne be better than Monsteri? is what I want to know.
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Those times when I get accused of being an upright member of our community and decide to prove otherwise... >.>
    tlc2011, Piano, Guitarman and 6 others like this.
  16. filthy minecraft in my game
    Beef likes this.
  17. Shadowofgold

    Shadowofgold Haxor

    I was just playing a while ago on BC Flatmaps, decided to try Knight for once..
    Me and three other blue knights charged the base without any archers or builders, bomb drilled through the whole 5-6 block thick castle, brutally destroyed everyone and grabbed the flag.

    Feels good man.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  18. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    I was on elite KAG shadow clone, my friend krasi_101 dug a whole right down to the bottom, then just as it was completed for them all to fall to their deaths in, the timer went :(:)
  19. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Recently, I've found the classic KAG players that aren't on bigass servers are complete morons.

    Aaaaand even when they're on a bigass server, there's still a 50% chance of them being stupid. An entire team of knights, no archers or builders.

    A team that spends half the match minecrafting, building this bigass castle that goes down with a single bomb.

  20. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Because that never ever happened until very recently, right?
    Ghozt, Stevedog, Contrary and 3 others like this.