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Zombies soon!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Shadlington, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. Cazum8

    Cazum8 Horde Gibber

    I've never been so anxious for a zombie invasion ...
    killerhellhound likes this.
  2. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    ComboBreaker, those both are actually very good points.

    However, the quotes shouldn't have been released along with zombies - the day before, when all they have to do is make a changleog and put it in the client.
  3. Teupfel

    Teupfel Shipwright

    i think that are good points too but ..... something can happend everytime and the Time we must wait expand but... i woud be very heappy to get new information about the release or a reason.
  4. Khombhat

    Khombhat Shopkeep Stealer

    I'm sure the devs aren't against informing us as often as they can, but, remember, they are a two-man team and every moment they spend writing to use is another moment stolen away from development and the eventual release of this update. I agree that it would be nice and mollifying to receive more frequent updates on the progress of this latest build, but it may not be a reasonable expectation, considering their limitations.
    Teupfel likes this.
  5. Eeshton

    Eeshton Shopkeep Stealer

    *Impatiently waits*
  6. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    I keep moving the hour hand on my clock forward in hopes of traversing Time and end up at the Zombie release date.
  7. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    I stopped to play KAG when they annonced it..Still no zombies..Wow
  8. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Is it at all possible for you guys to have just a little bit of patience? Jesus. WHAT? STILL NO ZOMBIES?! I AM OUTRAGED THAT A DEVELOPER WANTS TO TAKE TIME TO MAKE HIS PRODUCT AS CLOSE TO PERFECT AS HE CAN! FUCK YOU GUYS!
    Khombhat likes this.
  9. Emrys321

    Emrys321 Builder Stabber

    I wouldn't say there that mad about it. Just sad or disappointment. :(
  10. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    Are you trying to tell then not to have basic emotions?
    They can't help it, or I am just talking out my ass, you decide.
  11. The-CrabSpy

    The-CrabSpy Shipwright

    I can't wait for zombies! If zombies are going to be as good as I assume then this will be my most played game!
    Agent_008, FlameHaze3 and Rayne like this.
  12. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    I'm guessing there's sarcasm involved. However, such questions are best asked from people that have logic.

    Also, I'm sure that KAG'S developers knew there will be an upset group of audiences when they push back release dates of the zombie mode. They could say nothing at all which would most likely make KAG'S customers feel parted from the developed game. See the dilemma here?
  13. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Shhhhhh. Keep talkin' about zombies.
  14. L-III-III-7

    L-III-III-7 Shopkeep Stealer

    release it and patch it please
  15. Hippo

    Hippo Shark Slayer

    Rest assured, they are doing exactly that. Plus, you didn't specify any time for that command ;D
    I can't wait for plenty of zombie servers to be up. Then I can jump into anonymous crowds and pretend to sip tea while they do all the work. *wink wink
  16. Eeshton

    Eeshton Shopkeep Stealer

    I'd rather a somewhat buggy release then to wait for them to fix very small bugs, that being said, if they're using this time to fix and find game-breaking bugs, I say time wellspent. It's just he's giving us no insight on what he's doing other than "fixing bugs". Which leaves alot of room for people to misinterpret and in turn get angry.
    Agent_008, killerhellhound and Hippo like this.
  17. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Trust me, we're as frustrated with this taking as long as it is as you are. We were literally aiming for a feb1 release from the new year, but a lot has happened to push the release back. I'd go into it but it'd bore you as it's just related to programming issues.

    While MM battles with the multiplayer side of things and makes sure all the code is cross-platform compatible I've been going around and addressing a lot of the other bugs in-game, like bombs not going through windows properly, bomb jumping being retardedly overpowered, squeezing (i tested with one of those door-teleporters you see in public servers, they don't work any more thank god) and a few others, and MM has also fixed elevatorjumping, workshops not working with someone in front of them, some issues with hit detection.. I have also set up things like per-player IP and score logging for a server, fixed the whitelist/blacklist code, changed the way bombs damage terrain (which will likely happen again once the build goes public if it rapes dirt too much), tweaked some of the graphics, and I'll be working on fixing or changing /ban and /unban soon. We really just need to make sure the multiplayer mode isn't too prone to exploits this time around, tweak how the maps are laid out, fix three AI issues and push it out.
    Agent_008, Neat, Vidar and 18 others like this.
  18. Karlford_of_Acre

    Karlford_of_Acre Catapult Fodder

    This is awesome. From what I'm interpreting, it sounds like there's a few stubborn issues, and multiplayer mode needing to be polished among a few other things I don't care to list out. It sounds like you guys are doing a real crunch time and -- not that I expect anything by saying this -- but that it will be out soon, and that it's going to kick ass.

    Until you posted this, I didn't realize how satisfying it would be to see you post a kind of... personal response/update... This kind of status on what you guys have done, what you are working on and what you are going to do, makes me feel a lot better, and even though replying to Eeshton, personally kept in mind of as a fan. I thank you, and hope that IF this goes on for a longer period, you might consider writing these more frequently. The information shared on progress being made is welcome and celebrated. It means Zombies and this huge new patch are almost here! Thank you, Geti.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Check this thread, there are a few more of those posts from me around, just nothing detailing excactly what's been worked on I think. I'll be sure to keep you guys up to date, considering reposting that on the blog to make sure everyone knows we're not loafing around. We've been crunching since February started, it's been a hell of a ride. No worries for actually posting the response either way, glad you found it helpful.
  20. Karlford_of_Acre

    Karlford_of_Acre Catapult Fodder

    I'd recommend posting it in the blog. I think a lot of people who didn't get to see it here and now would appreciate it. I say do it... For The King!
    Emrys321 likes this.
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