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Premium Zong Payment Help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Xyzair, May 16, 2012.

  1. Xyzair

    Xyzair Catapult Fodder

    So I decided I wanted to use Zong to get premium, and then I did everything they wanted, and they have been paid/taken the money, now my problem is that i don't know what I'm suppose to do about a code for premium.

    I was not signed in when I clicked the Zong button, but I later signed in before completing it. I was given a TxnCode that i don't know what it's for and it's not the premium code, I would assume along the lines of a transaction code, but again I don't know.
    Thanks in advance,​
    Reactorcore, BlueLuigi and Ghozt like this.
  2. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    I used Zong to get premium , i didn't sign in .
    I entered my Cellphone Number and Purchased it , via Philippine Peso.
    P 400 = $9.99
    Well no problemos at all , after i purchased it .
    The page Reloads itself and shows the code , then i signed in copied the code (1st) and redeemed the premium last May 8 ,2012 :D
    Well i think if you forgot the code, you can check your Browser's History for the code's site , i don't know :)
  3. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Same as OP.

    Bought the game yesterday using Zong and the transaction was succesful, but all I got was some "ZONG-ID: [6 digit code]" to my phone.
    I tried putting that into the premium redeem thing, but it said that "code does not exist".

    The whole thing went this way for me:
    1. Click the zong button on the blog
    2. Enter my phone number and got a TxtMessage to confirm the purchase
    3. The message itself was a bit unclear at first because of how it appeared on the screen of my phone (the message said: "to confirm, answer to this message W". The W was on a new line, so it looked confusing and at first I just answered the message with a no text, then I tried typing "yes" and sending that too until it hit me and I figured out that I was meant to type "W" into the message.)
    4. After all the confusion and finally getting it right, it sent me a message that the "transaction was complete and I was charged €€, my ZONG-ID is [6 digit code] and then a number to their customer service.
    5. Tried putting that ZONG-ID into the premium redeem thing at kag2d.com after logging in, but it did not work.
    6. Confused, I go to zong.com and see if that code I got is of any use there
    7. End up creating an account on zong.com and seeing that my transaction with KAG was completed and I was charged, but I did not find any use for that ZONG-ID I got, nor did I find the redeem code on my account page either.
    8. Now I've sent a message both to Zong.com support as well as KAG support and am waiting to get this resolved.

    Wheres my premium guys? :QQ:
  4. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hey guys,

    Zong is something that was just added, we'll get some information from MM and help you out soon. No worries though - we'll take care of you
  5. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    There are some problems on our side with the full version generation code. If your payment went through and you didn't get the KAG code just send your zong-ID to support@thd.vg and we'll give you a code.
    JacKD, Wixmef and Ream like this.
  6. Ream

    Ream Haxor

    For me it's same as others...

    @UP Yes! Finally!
  7. Reactorcore

    Reactorcore Shark Slayer

    Already ahead of you, as I did that yesterday.

    I'm glad this issue was noticed and responded upon and I'll await the results patiently. :)
  8. Danicaponi

    Danicaponi Catapult Fodder

    i'm sorry by zong id do you mean my phone number or what because it doesnt ask you for a login
  9. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You should have gotten an ID on your phone from zong.
  10. Danicaponi

    Danicaponi Catapult Fodder

    like how
  11. Ream

    Ream Haxor

    six letters, smthing like X00XFM(It isn'y my ID).
  12. Danicaponi

    Danicaponi Catapult Fodder

    you mean the transction id for each text i think.is that it?
  13. Wixmef

    Wixmef Bison Rider

    You get it in the message where they tell you the money has been transfered, "ZONG-ID: ####" or something like that.
  14. Danicaponi

    Danicaponi Catapult Fodder

    okay so i'm from brasil and i had to send 3 texts so do i send all 3
  15. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yes, but are you sure you paid by Zong, and not the old allopass?
  16. Danicaponi

    Danicaponi Catapult Fodder

    yeah i used zong
    </br>--- merged: May 16, 2012 4:15 PM ---</br>
    okay i'v sent the email now i wait
  17. JamesHare

    JamesHare Shipwright

    Hello, i'm new here, tried to buy the game with ZONG and i didn't get the code so i now hope that somebody will answer my email with the ID... How long did it take to recieve the mail for you?
  18. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hi JamsHere,
    I don't believe we use Zong any more so maybe you are mistaken? In any case you can contact support at thd dot vg for payment-related assistance.
  19. JamesHare

    JamesHare Shipwright

    That wasn't good :/ no you still use Zong , i did what it said and i recieved the text messages but like for everybody else, the premium code was missing, so i've sent an email with the Zong-id i got to MM's adress in the post... Could you contact MM so he can see this?
  20. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Whoops, my mistake - I mixed up allopass and Zong.

    James, e-mail that address I mentioned: support at thd dot vg. They will be able to help you (MM doesn't/can't really help with this). Send them the zong ID and any other information that you think they may need.