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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. fadeddeathkirby
      Does anyone know how much vip costs?
      1. Happiness
        Two euro is the minimum donation, from what karp told me
        May 25, 2013
      2. bergice
        That's right. The more you donate, the longer the server will live though! :D
        May 25, 2013
    2. lord_nightmare
      do you ever go on your sever Bergice and if you do when do you come on
      1. bergice
        I do, often short intervals but it's usually around 6-12 PM GMT+2.
        May 25, 2013
    3. fadeddeathkirby
      Would I be able to apply for a job as a admin? I hate getting on a server with no admins on. Without any admins on these are the things that happen all the time, griefing, glitching, hacking, and my least favorite, random killing. These things happen a lot while I am on. Sometimes a admin is on but he could care less.
      1. bergice
        Sorry, not currently recruiting.
        May 25, 2013
      2. fadeddeathkirby
        Okay well thanks anyways Bergice.
        May 25, 2013
    4. JonnieL
      Hey bergice~
      There are some vip killers out there just to report to you.. :/
      Names are:
      These guys wont stop griefing vip spawn and nightmare is griefing and rking ask kurokitty for proof
      1. lord_nightmare
        second off i only griefed once because i accidentaly hit the F key setting of a bomb and the the F key stoped working so i spammed it and then i sudenly started working and i accidentaly lit the rest of my bombs and i only killed you people on accedent (you wouldnt get "RKed" if you didnt walk onto the battle field (P.S. some of you do do that))
        May 23, 2013
      2. lord_nightmare
        take off the "second off" there was a first of but i had to delete it because it made it more then 420 characters and i forgot to delete the words "second off"
        May 23, 2013
      3. JonnieL
        This doesnt explane why you did it 10 times+
        May 23, 2013
    5. lord_nightmare
      GET RID OF THE VIP TEAM YOU WOULD SEE WHY IF YOU EVER GO ON THE SERVER all they do is get in the way annoy the other people takeover a peice of the human land freeze people they dont like (those who can anyway) and grief the other teams because they cant be frozzen or banned so please get rid of the VIP team
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lord_nightmare
        Bomb jump off climb back up bomb jump a gain and so on ans so forth
        May 23, 2013
      3. lord_nightmare
        and the vips did perfectly fine without the vip team before they had it or atleast if you wont get rid of it move the spawn so that all the races dont have twice to three times as big of an area than the humans because the vip team takes up half to two thirds af all the human land (you can stand at spawn and see the whole human area the VIPs area the dwarfs area beyond that and a little bit of the goblins area)
        May 23, 2013
      4. JonnieL
        We had to spawn in the sky. After we landed with half health or less u grief and spawn kill. Dont argue here if you really want to pm me.
        May 23, 2013
    6. Antaka
      [PART 2]
      Then I tried to kill him in response and each time he froze me before dieing and then waited for other people to come start hitting me before unfreezing me so i would die, is that not abuse? And when I called him out on it he banned and DCed me...
    7. Antaka
      [PART 1]
      Hey can you appeal my ban, I wasn't even griefing the last time I got banned wtf. Some Admin named Sage R???? was aiding elves in a war to destroy the dwarf base and as far as I can recall his color was supposed to mean he was neutral yet he was essentially griefing by aiding elves in a war when hes essentially supposed to be untouchable, thats fair? Like what?
      1. lord_nightmare
        he banned me for griefing when i wasnt ether at least i think that was there name
        May 22, 2013
    8. jamesam
      dude kuro... he banned me for hitting a dude idk why well others rk he let them at the sever genius.....
      1. lord_nightmare likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. fadeddeathkirby
        Actually Kurokitty is one of the only admins who does their job properly. As most people know or don't care to know, Rking is annoying as well as Griefing a VIP tower is off limits. You guys should check what happens before you make assumptions.
        May 22, 2013
      4. jamesam
        stfu fagget
        May 25, 2013
      5. fadeddeathkirby
        Jamesam I'm not sure if you noticed, but RK is not tolerated as well as the fact that most admins don't do anything. Yet she happens to be a rare one who actually decides to take the time to check on people and their needs.
        May 25, 2013
    9. JonnieL
      Hey dude, I've donated I hope to get VIP by tmr :D
      1. bergice
        Verified, thanks for donating.
        May 21, 2013
    10. Kingpanda
      Bergice, Your VIPs are going crazy. they trespass bases and dont' leave. then no one bans them. just now kingpump and devon were on. no one would ban them forrk so i griefed VIP for not banning (i called war first) then they say that im not allowed to war VIP. (how is that fair)!!! this is annoying. please do something. they act like they own the server. NOW IM BANNED. :( and sad.
      1. Antaka likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Antaka
        A few of the VIP members do have a big ego apparently.
        May 22, 2013
      4. Kingpanda
        thankyou ataka. atleast someone isnt afraid to speak up
        May 22, 2013
      5. fadeddeathkirby
        You most likely didn't notice. But I remember you because you ended up starting a war with the elves once. Mainly because you thought that we Rk'd you when really you wouldn't get off our land.
        May 22, 2013
    11. lord_nightmare
      un-ban on your server again plz i was banned for "RKing" when i told a guy to go away and he didnt and i was on my/human teritory
      1. bergice
        Checked and approved.
        May 21, 2013
    12. fadeddeathkirby
      Okay sorry about all other problems. I got them fixed and I'm glad to say that I donated to the server. But how will you know it was me who donated?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. fadeddeathkirby
        Okay I sent you an E-mail.
        May 19, 2013
      3. fadeddeathkirby
        Did you by chance get that email to confirm it? I've been trying to get this since Friday.
        May 20, 2013
      4. bergice
        I did not receive it.

        Try sending to bergice@nortroll.net
        May 20, 2013
    13. Kurokitty
      I don't mean to be annoying, but it's been over a day and a half since my query and I haven't received any form of reply. I was just wondering if that means I didn't make the cut or if I should give you more time to consider. Thanks.
      1. bergice
        May 18, 2013
    14. lord_nightmare
      Hello...again...i have been banned on your server (second time(was a mistake first time))...again...and i was wondering if i could get un-banned i cant tell you why or even the precisce time due to the fact that i was AFK when it happened (i was eating ice cream(it was melting so i had to) so please unban me or at least tell me why i was banned
      1. lord_nightmare
        Also on the same subject you should know that i figured out that Ramsis is banning AFK knights for griefing and he is the one who banned me and he also banned me a gain for "taunting the admin" when i said that it couldnt have been me nor was it me because i was AFK so please unban me because he said see you tomarow which normally means more than a 30min ban
        May 18, 2013
      2. bergice
        I'll check the logs.
        May 18, 2013
    15. tjthedj
      Could You Increase The Server size Its Allways full If Not Dont worry Doesent matter Thanks for Listaning
      1. fadeddeathkirby
        Too many people means to many people to keep track up. Griefers, Rk'ers, ect, ect.
        May 18, 2013
      2. bergice
        40 players is considered in the future.
        May 18, 2013
    16. Kurokitty
      Hi Bergice, I'm Kurokitty also known as Caitlin. I'd like to apply for Admin position. I think I'm capable of administrating on your server since I've served as a moderator on both forums and games before. Including Ragnarok Online. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Scotland, so my timezone is GMT. I'm on several hours a day, and it seems to be times when there are usually no other admins online. Thanks!
      1. bergice
        Create a new private conversation and include some information.
        May 17, 2013
      2. Kurokitty
        Did you get my conversation? I sent some information.
        May 17, 2013
    17. JonnieL
      Bergice, sorry to bother just asking.. If I donate will I get VIP access immediately? or you will have to approve it or something because I'm guessing i'll donate around this coming Friday =D
      1. bergice
        I will approve it once I see the donation is confirmed. It can take some hours.
        May 15, 2013
      2. JonnieL
        really? :D thanks bro. =)
        May 16, 2013
    18. circledline
      bergice.i have been asking you for admin for about 2 weeks now (yes i pmed you).id like admin cause these people keep greifing their own team. their names are : mixa4262 , F3AR austinw11012 , kogari , ivan200208 . please get them banned and please respond to my pms .
    19. Kingpanda
      i have something to say about Broken wings. so we had an awesome base underground. we were peace with elves and everything. then Broken Wings gets on like he owns the place and uses editor to remove all of our defense off of our hide out. i dont like this new editor admin thing. now very happy about it.
      1. bergice
        Noted, thanks for reporting.
        May 15, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        Thankyou :D i love you :P
        May 15, 2013
    20. Zanderburg
      Could I be un-banned? not just 5 minutes ago I was frozen on your server because the elves wanted to make peace and we were working that out, but then my internet cut out ( it is being very spotty lately ) is there anyway we can do something about my situation?

      - Zander
      1. bergice
        Can't see you on the banlist. The server automatically gives short bans if you lag so it was probably just that.
        May 13, 2013
      2. Zanderburg
        Well, it appears I can join now, thank you for checking on this though.
        May 14, 2013
      3. bergice
        No problem!
        May 14, 2013
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