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Comments on Profile Post by Enigma42

  1. Kingpanda
    enigma if it was an admin named potatomcwhiskey...he tried perma ban me fore no reason..said he would if everyone vote next map.
    Apr 2, 2013
  2. Enigma42
    It might have been him actually, I can't remember his name but that certainly rings a bell, thanks for your help :)
    Apr 3, 2013
  3. GaflanX
    I was banned for no reason too... I just don't understand, I try and get a hacker banned and I get banned because the hacker makes up a complete bullshit story about me RK'ing him and he used the hack to get away... I don't know who banned me but I think it Is insane to ban someone for no reason at all. Nobody told me why I was being banned, so I have no reason to think that I deserved it. ~GaflanX
    Apr 3, 2013
  4. bergice
    None of you are currently banned on #2.

    If an admin did this without specifying a reason, then that is absolutely not okay.

    There is no admin by the name of potatomcwhiskey on my servers so I'm gonna check the logs for him.
    Apr 4, 2013
  5. Kingpanda
    thank god bergice is around. that stupid admin... i tried to ban that admin (even had screenshot of his saying in chat) and they still said no.
    Apr 5, 2013
  6. Enigma42
    Thanks bergice, I used to be a stupid idiot on your servers but I stopped and this admin had no genuine reason to mute and ban me other than to stop me telling everyone about him RKing and spawnkilling. I'm sorry I don't have any evidence but he kept ignoring our team when we said 'PEACE' in the chat and continued spawnkilling without justification. You are an awesome guy bergice and your server is the best :)
    Apr 5, 2013
  7. bergice
    Thanks, I checked the recent logs and I could not find any record on potatomcwhiskey, but if you see an admin abusing, make sure you get their names, and when it happened and I can check.
    Apr 5, 2013
  8. Enigma42
    Thanks a bundle, you're a lifesaver :) After you've looked into it could you please unban me if its all right? Thank you so much for listening- you're an awesome guy :D
    Apr 5, 2013
  9. bergice
    You aren't banned anymore, tell me if you still can't get in, and no problem!
    Apr 6, 2013
  10. Enigma42
    Sorry, I still can't get in, thanks for trying anyway :)
    Apr 6, 2013
  11. bergice
    Your in-game name is Enigma42 right?
    Apr 6, 2013
  12. Enigma42
    Yes it is :)
    Apr 7, 2013
  13. bergice
    Sent a P.M.
    Apr 7, 2013