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Comments on Profile Post by Kingpanda

  1. bergice
    Asked him about it.
    May 9, 2013
  2. Kingpanda
    and now he just killed me for being in his base after he said peace and he never told me to leave first....

    And now he freakin muted me. This admin only bans when he wants. i was chasing him cause we at war. then a blue rks me. he tells blue "thankyou"
    this admin makes me mad -.-
    May 9, 2013
  3. Kingpanda
    i know the rules for the server better than this guy.
    May 9, 2013
  4. Kingpanda
    haha lol he banned me for rk again. when i get back on he his dead. i got a screen shot of him and his admin buddies using editor to grief stuff on our heads. it wasnt very fun for us.
    May 9, 2013