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Comments on Profile Post by jamesam

  1. Kurokitty
    You kept rking like 50 times. I warned you multiple times. If you don't listen to warnings you get kicked. That simple genius.
    May 21, 2013
  2. lord_nightmare
    Kuro does that for alot of people he froze and banned a few humans for defending the human base (or what was left of it due to the land the VIP take up) adn she said WE were RKing when we were on our territory defending it from RKing goblins
    May 22, 2013
  3. Kurokitty
    I didn't ban anyone. If anything I kicked some people who wouldn't listen. Perhaps if you humans would stop causing more wars when your base is already destroyed then you wouldn't be rking.
    May 22, 2013
  4. fadeddeathkirby
    Actually Kurokitty is one of the only admins who does their job properly. As most people know or don't care to know, Rking is annoying as well as Griefing a VIP tower is off limits. You guys should check what happens before you make assumptions.
    May 22, 2013
  5. jamesam
    stfu fagget
    May 25, 2013
  6. fadeddeathkirby
    Jamesam I'm not sure if you noticed, but RK is not tolerated as well as the fact that most admins don't do anything. Yet she happens to be a rare one who actually decides to take the time to check on people and their needs.
    May 25, 2013