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Comments on Profile Post by lord_nightmare

  1. JonnieL
    He cant.. We paid for it meaning we have right to be vip. If you just paid you'd understand but you'r just too annoying and keep on destroying vip towers. What the hell dude you even say u are bomb jumping..(how in hell are you bomb jumping useing 5 bombs in the same time) you should just go get a life or go to another game because this game isnt for you.
    May 22, 2013
  2. lord_nightmare
    Bomb jump off climb back up bomb jump a gain and so on ans so forth
    May 23, 2013
  3. lord_nightmare
    and the vips did perfectly fine without the vip team before they had it or atleast if you wont get rid of it move the spawn so that all the races dont have twice to three times as big of an area than the humans because the vip team takes up half to two thirds af all the human land (you can stand at spawn and see the whole human area the VIPs area the dwarfs area beyond that and a little bit of the goblins area)
    May 23, 2013
  4. JonnieL
    We had to spawn in the sky. After we landed with half health or less u grief and spawn kill. Dont argue here if you really want to pm me.
    May 23, 2013