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Comments on Profile Post by lagystar

  1. Happiness
    Coming from a renowned griefer, I'd definitely consider the validity of his accusations. I'm sure this screenshot speaks for itself; http://oi39.tinypic.com/zqo7a.jpg
    Jun 2, 2013
  2. Kurokitty
    I agree with Happiness. Lagystar has been personally banned by me a couple time. He is a griefer.
    Jun 2, 2013
  3. lagystar
    Although, just to say.
    There's a difference between griefing when a Mod is Here and when a mod is not here.
    Griefing is practically a pandemic when a mod is not here, and It's really frustrating when I try to build.
    Oh, and
    I am reknowned?
    Jun 2, 2013
  4. JonnieL
    Nice words :3
    Jun 3, 2013
  5. bergice
    Doesn't matter if you grief when an admin isn't there or if it's because of revenge. None of it is accepted. Lagystar and kingofthebrithins have already been reported for several offenses with proof and will be given appropriate bans based on that soon.
    Jun 4, 2013