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Comments on Profile Post by Skoop

  1. Horoto
    Yea they need someone to moderate it more. If there's any way I could report it to someone who could always be there I would. Cant you find a "guard" in an irc channel right? Late at night at least late at night here, it might be early in the morning for your people across the pond (not in the US) which is when I play very late at night, or early in the morning.
    Jul 1, 2013
  2. Horoto
    Last night there way 18 people on the elves. 4 on human, 1 on dwarf, and like 1, or 2 on some other teams. RIDICULOUS. They had a HUGE stone base going all the way to the top of the sky. I mean that's fine and all, but I dont know what the hell was going on. One, or two elves were attacking our base, and I guess the rest were attacking the dwarves.
    Jul 1, 2013
  3. Horoto
    I mean I dont think auto balance should be implemented, but some kind of balance maybe a team difference cap? Like if elves has 10 people on their team people have to fill out the other teams before anyone else is allowed on elf. Also what's the king slayer mode/mod you're working on? Name sounds awesome :P
    Jul 1, 2013
  4. Horoto
    The main thing I wish for the server is it was more ROLEPLAY :P. You know your king is safe in the base, and you take orders from the king, and we have more "political" discussions between teams. One night the humans were really into it we were letting enemys into our base to talk about peace, and taking orders from the king. It was pretty fun. Anyways I'm just rambeling.
    Jul 1, 2013
  5. Horoto
    Yea sorry for so much text I was typing, and typing then its like 420 character limit. TIme to smoke :P
    Jul 1, 2013
  6. bergice
    Like stated before this will be fixed with the Kingslayer mod. In the meanwhile, some new admins have been recruited.
    Jul 3, 2013