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Comments on Profile Post by xWarri0r

  1. xWarri0r
    You are so professional at your job, it's unbelievable. I wish you success in the outside world, because that is not how business is done with that attitude. I'm sure I gave a lot of criticism and I'm sorry you're hurt from it. I mean't nothing against your server, but it looks like it really needs help. I'll be never around you again, I truly apologize.
    Jul 2, 2013
  2. xWarri0r
    PS: I didn't "bitch" about the game. You should take your time and actually read. Like most literate people.
    Jul 2, 2013
  3. bergice
    No, I did not just ignore you. My inbox has on average 20-30 new messages and you simply have to wait for your turn, there are a lot of people waiting for responses here.

    It looks like you removed your previous message so I won't be able to read it, but we aren't currently recruiting at the moment.
    Jul 3, 2013
  4. xWarri0r
    Sorry I thought the Hatsumei guy was you. I removed my previous messages since I thought you read it and it didn't deserve to spam your wall. ^^
    Jul 4, 2013