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Comments on Profile Post by Horoto

  1. Horoto
    Another guy named Arturo was griefing. Some dwarf hammer guy was griefing. Some guy named Schwega was griefing. there was another, but I cant remember.
    Jul 3, 2013
  2. Horoto
    Seriously the entire 5 hours I was playing someone was griefing humans. Maybe like an hour and a half out of the five did I have some relief. Some admin named Jonnie came on unfortunately not for long.
    Jul 3, 2013
  3. Horoto
    The entire 5 hours was miserable. I will more then likely find another game to play after nights, and nights of this shit. It's not your server either it's just the fucking style of game. Griefers in all games, just so much more prevalent in minecraft style games. Of any kind........
    Jul 3, 2013
  4. Horoto
    I know without video I can't prove shit about this, but it's better than saying nothing.
    Jul 3, 2013