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Comments on Profile Post by Kingpanda

  1. Kingpanda
    Bergice i was hopeing that i could make a smaller RPG server so when yours is full then the overflow can join mine for some time. so i was wondering if you could contact me with some of your files if thats ok....:)
    Jul 13, 2013
  2. Kingpanda
    Jul 13, 2013
  3. bergice
    1: Check the rules configuration for your server. Start with a basic one that is already there and copy it. Then gradually do changes until you get it right.

    2: Not sure how to help you there.

    The ban depends on the situation really, I am not sure what went down there.
    Jul 13, 2013
  4. Kingpanda
    ok thankyou bergice :)

    what happened was that goblins were rk and griefed us so we started throwing bombs at them he saw only the second part :/
    Jul 13, 2013