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Comments on Profile Post by wsensor

  1. wsensor
    Actually a better idea can we get rid of royal knights or take away shields from them if they are going to be that strong?
    Both knights and royal knights just leave the shield out and run around with guns making it impossible to play if you just started out and they sit around killing neutrals half the time.
    Oct 23, 2016
  2. TFlippy
    They'll eventually run out of ammo.~
    Oct 23, 2016
  3. wsensor
    not when they just go back to base and restock lol they are like tanks with near invincibility if your on a new team
    Oct 24, 2016
  4. JackMcDaniels
    Sappers can make quick work of royal knights, and changing to neutral means leaving your team which means you have less people defending your base.
    Oct 24, 2016