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Comments on Profile Post by JackMcDaniels

  1. JackMcDaniels
    Also now that oil has been added to the game perhaps a very powerful flamethrower that can only be used by the tank could be added to the game, like the Churchill crocodile which was used in world war 2 and similiar to the current flamethrower uses a liquid substance, petroleum jelly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rpEO3oiuos
    Nov 4, 2016
    Biurza likes this.
  2. JackMcDaniels
    And regarding bombers...I think they should be removed completely and replaced with something faster with less inventory space (bi-plane) that would require bombs to be used with timing and precision as appose to safely hovering above an enemy base and unloading 3k coins worth of bombs in an instant directly on top of them
    Nov 4, 2016
    Biurza likes this.
  3. JackMcDaniels
    ...Would also allow flying units to bomb sky-high towers (which current bombers can't do) as bombs would be launched somewhat horizontally with speed and momentum.
    Nov 4, 2016
    Biurza likes this.
  4. wsensor
    For the bombers. I think limiting the ammo box would be really useful or lower the stack size of the bombs.
    Sometimes the game has crashed from mass bombings lol.
    Bombs + Catapults would be fun!
    Nov 4, 2016
  5. JackMcDaniels
    The problem with with that is that the builder I believe can carry lots and lots of extra bombs on his person and place them in the bomber while still in the air (or land somewhere safe nearby) and even if the other team manages to shoot you down I believe that in most instances the bombs will be released from your bomber all at once and damage the enemy base beneath you.
    Nov 4, 2016
    Biurza likes this.
  6. TFlippy
    I've been considering making bomber inventories smaller for a while, so regular bombers would be only able to carry 1 slot high items, while armored bombers would have slightly narrower inventories but higher inventories.
    Nov 6, 2016
  7. TFlippy
    I also noticed that the server often crashed after the "Can't create blobs on client", so I looked through the files and noticed a few cases where blob creation wasn't restricted only to the server. These have been fixed, so I hope it'll have some positive effect.
    Nov 6, 2016
  8. TFlippy
    I'm also going to add an air raid siren that goes off when it detects nearby foreign bombers / rockets.
    Nov 6, 2016