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Comments on Profile Post by wsensor

  1. wsensor
    Shields up: Bombs ignored, Mines ignored, Suicide bombers ignored, everything is ignored other than rifle guns which are impossible for a team to get when they are just starting out and instantly get rushed into oblivion.
    Best part is when we did do actual damage they took FOOD out of inventory to heal.
    Nov 23, 2016
  2. wsensor
    Mine's were nice when they used to provide some free resources before. Now however since they don't most of the maps just become wasteland as all the dirt/stone/gold gets dug up to form bases of some sort.

    Teams with people joining and stealing resources has become a thing now where someone will take anything sellable then rush to sell it than quit the team or purposely give the resources to others.
    Nov 23, 2016
  3. wsensor
    Perhaps mines could give geodes that players have to MINE (break with pickaxe/drills) to get small (random type/amounts) of resources?

    Perhaps allow upgrading of mines or something to produce geodes more often.

    It would be sort of how the oil pumps give oil but it would require more effort to get resources.
    Nov 23, 2016
  4. TFlippy
    I was thinking of making royal guards sink in water, so they'd eventually drown if they couldn't get out in time.

    Regarding people selling teams' resources and leaving - that's actually bannable. Record some videos of people doing it if you can.
    Nov 23, 2016
  5. TFlippy
    Also, mines do provide resources. They're just automatically deposited to bases of the owner faction.
    Nov 23, 2016
  6. wsensor
    Oh i thought the mines were no longer giving resources. (Was told we had to buy them ourselves now to get any several games in a row)
    It is hard to tell when there are several people on the team all using/wasting materials.
    Nov 25, 2016