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Comments on Profile Post by borisvanmemes

  1. mcrifel
    been playing too much terraria?
    Nov 28, 2016
  2. borisvanmemes
    OH i didn't even realize that
    Nov 28, 2016
  3. TFlippy
    Not sure about that. One of the things that annoyed me in FUN were those meteors that obliterated your entire base.

    I may add combat chicken invasions or their airships, which would spawn them.
    Nov 29, 2016
  4. borisvanmemes
    The crater would be small and the meteor itself would be as big as a boulder i really just want jetpacks tbh
    Nov 29, 2016
  5. TFlippy
    Jetpacks are quite crappy, just use rockets.~
    Nov 29, 2016