@Cruxiat For sure, I plan on being more active on KAG. I've come here to rekt noobs and put shoes on caterpillars and I'm all out of shoes.
+ @FG welcome to the team! nice to have another amazing builder on the team (we still love you @Croco-Dile)
GG @MrPineapple and the rest of zenith, really competitive game and it's obvious you guys are gonna be a great clan to play against in future. thanks for the games and best of luck in your future ones!
Thanks to the guys at [W] for our first west US clan war! you guys played really well, hope to fight you guys in future. GG! @AnsuR
GG WP, very fun shkl vs ae match. had to wait 2 weeks for it, woke up 5 hours earlier than usual. and what? and of course cruxiat cancels it because he fell off his bike. GG. quality australian competitive. make cws then not come to them btw @Cruxiat dont forget to put in that you lost by default in your cw list ;)
GG to everyone from BARGE! had a great clan war and you really gave us a run for our money. hope to cw you fellas later! --- Double Post Merged, Jun 9, 2018, Original Post Date: May 25, 2018 --- Thanks to @toffie0 for the lovely clan war with major, good to have you back my dude and GG
AE bet major in a clan war? na surely not, cant beat major unless im not there ft. low key rip into major