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Apex vs. SURGE

Discussion in 'Competitive KAG Archive' started by Tern, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Tern

    Tern Quickfish Donator Official Server Admin
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Let's be straightforward; that prank only affected you, and it was funny as fuck while being relatively harmless.
  2. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Child like pranks? Dual didn't like it along with ked. Which was obvious because he kicked you out lol.
  3. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    guys pls keep this shit out of this gay match thread :3
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Bison Rider Tester

    No, no. I'm enjoying this shit far more than the gay match thread.
  5. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    popcorns for the soap opera?
  6. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Bison Rider Tester

    Don't mind if I do.
  7. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    I'm a agree with @TheDirtySwine on this point, Sangfroid is certainly a very good player, nobody will say the opposite.
    But he is not invincible !!! stop overestimate him, it's not because he made some videos where he played goodly that's he is a "god" NO!
    If all the players of the Apex will record all their games and made a montage at the height of that of sangfroid.
    You will be hard to distinguish who is the better player.

    Sangfroid has certainly a lot of experience on the game, he plays zoom out to get an global view of everything that is happening around him and he has the advantage of having an incredible ping on US and EU server, I agree with you, he have a lot of positive points.

    But he also has his weaknesses.
    In my opinion Sangfroid is far from are the best player in 1 vs 1, his timming is not perfect. Many players beat him in this category. Whether you believe me or not, but I swear you that know how to 1 vs 1 (or 1 vs 2 etc ...) in clan wars is extremely important. (Although the teamwork comes first)
    In Apex there are very good players who have, or nearly the same level as Sangfroid.
    And who are better than him in timming.
    Without Sangfroid Apex could crush as many clan if Sangfroid was with them.
    The Apex is not Sangfroid! damn, is a team! without his mates, Sang can do nothing.
  8. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I'll ask him myself next time I see him on mumble, still didn't find it funny. You weren't done with KAG, once you got kicked you went straight to AG cause you were salty. While secretly in Nova lmao.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2015
  9. Tern

    Tern Quickfish Donator Official Server Admin
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Nah, I was planning on quitting. The addiction controls you, not the other way around. :)

    I was planning on dishing out a loss to Zen first (why not?), but kedram wants to quit with his undefeated record and that's fine. Zen did break up though, and you needed a clan so you ran to SURGE to "help them grow." I think you're salty about other things besides the prank.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
  10. rymcd

    rymcd Bison Rider Staff Alumni Tester

    Holy crap I wasn't expecting so much feed back, I think my point was missed as well(not all that surprised though due to being quite vague about it).

    Also I'm shocked lefty got so shadowed so much over sang, he's probably my least favourite builder to face against. Dude is a dam unholy monster, I'd rather face sang to be honest lol.
    Although the other really brutal part about facing sang is he's a flippin master tactician for a team. He practically has a morale boosting aura with his charisma as well(love u bae).

    I tried writing a follow up for you ternary but it kept getting a little opinionated, I don't want to come off as smack talking either.
    I'll just leave it at I disagree and I guess we'll see what direction competitive KAG is going in as time goes by.
  11. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    You want them to lose cause your ass got kicked lol, now we see who's the saltly one :^). I was asked to join surge for the time being and I said yes. Pretty sure that's not problem amiright fuarsa? or how ever you spelled it.
  12. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Well it certainly seems like allot has happened here..., to clarify on specifically why Zen broke up, it had to do with multiple things, clan members weren't getting along, specifically t3 wasn't really getting along with some of the members, i did my best to try to fix that issue but every time i did the issue kept getting worse. Eventually people got fed up, and chicken decided he would leave and start playing csgo, which i totally understand because its a more popular game with more potential and opportunities than kag. With literally everyone gone, there was no reason to resurrect Zen AGAIN for the second time, when before i liked the members i had and got along with them greatly only to see it all fall apart because people didn't like each other. This has happened 2 times and i will not rebuild it to see it happen a 3rd time. I do not deny that in our beaten down and fragile state that Apex could have beaten us. its also quite hard to tell what would happen if we fought apex before everyone started leaving because most of the people in apex were in zen at one point and were on the main lineup. Overall, i didn't disband Zen because i didn't want to lose, i just didn't want to deal with rebuilding it again to start with a fresh batch of new people that i would have to get to know all over again only to see it all crumble again.

    Also people have a point when it comes to not having all of the most absurdly overpowered players all on one team, back in zens early days we made the same mistake, too many people were in the clan and no one wanted to fight us because they knew they would just lose without a doubt. ever since that i tried to lower the amount of people in the clan as best i could so other clans had a chance, why i didn't accept the wolves because i wanted them to go to other clans instead. I'm not saying apex is doing anything wrong by having the people they have, its just that if you start getting more people, like jig, or the wolves, or whoever that might be a serious threat, people will really not want to fight you at all.
  13. L3fty

    L3fty Bison Rider Staff Alumni

  14. GrieverJ

    GrieverJ Arsonist

    This thread is absurd, but let's set the record straight on a few things.

    I get it if people are a little annoyed over the subs, that's something that needs to be clarified in the rules. Personally, I don't think clans should be playing official matches with more than one sub at a time, but that's just me. That said, all this salt about us monopolizing top players and killing the competitive scene is ridiculous. How many of the scrims and matches that have happened in the last few months have involved Apex? Probably the majority of the NA ones. We're trying to play as many matches as possible while others sit around crying on mumble because there's no competition. You're basically saying we should be shittier because other people can't handle losing, which is the complete antithesis of what competitive means. Good players want to play with other good players, saying we should spread out is just beyond silly.

    And no, nobody 'stole' me from Zen. I only play with clans for competitive, and Zen played one scrim in 6 months. Saying you'd be active if I was still there is an outright lie.
  15. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    There is no us clan atm that can beat your knight power. That is fine, but when there is no one actually capably to beat you and they do not want to continously vs you then you have to deal with that. There arent exactly a plethora of players to recruit anywhere (except ones that are already in clans and i'd never want to be apart of recruiting someone from a clan but thats just me), and that is why monopolizing all the good players is bad yadadadadadad who cares you made a good lineup hope others feel differently about versing you(speaking about myself as a single laggy person)
  16. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    I want to gib u some of my mafia love too, GIB KISSES TO ME HOTTIE
  17. Tern

    Tern Quickfish Donator Official Server Admin
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    I'm not salty about that match at all; Nova really wasn't very coordinated and we were outplayed. There's nothing wrong with that. My point is you're one of the main people who are so butthurt about our lineup, going so far as to get on Mumble before the match to tell us "no freebies" in reference to sang playing. As far as rules go, in their current state subs are allowed but dual-clanning is not. Griever has a point when he says most NA matches and scrims have been organized by us, which is not only a testament to our "mission statement" (growth of competitive), but it also indicates that most clans aren't afraid to at least scrimmage us. Saying we're killing competitive is a stretch at best. A lot of people are just butthurt.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  18. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    OK so I come back and see this
    First of all
    >never subbing builder
    lol we literally were playing with 2 subs/not the planned roster because you didn't want to sub builder, but OK unexpected shit happened

    uhm secondly I don't see the need of all the drama is this thread, I mean apex pulled something retarded but
    nowhere in the fucking tourney rules it is written that you sign up with a certain group of people the rules are unclear as fuck
    I mean OK you have a clan thread, but it's not written that's some official list, so you can claim people are in your clan

    Furthermore I mosty agree with my babe jiggy

    And to end this post I suggest the following for MLK2 if SpideY goes through with it or any other tournament (Ej pls arena open):
    Have clans apply with their clan name, their roster (5-6 people). Also someone not on that roster is allowed to play for them twice in that tourney
  19. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    when the fuck did you guys turn this into a shitbox from APEX vs SURGE to "omg this is why my clan left and this is why it is".

    shut the fuck up and discuss the match. bring your childish talks into PM.
  20. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Only no one said that at all. Im pretty sure 90% of the people here are talking about the match with subs and the players involved so wtf is your problem?